12,817 results

Risk analysis and sustainability of the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) resources in SA

Project number: 2000-123
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $163,116.00
Principal Investigator: Yongshun Xiao
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 10 Sep 2000 - 29 Apr 2009


A new stock assessment model is required to improve the estimated time series of recruitment, exploitation, and catchability of lobsters in the South Australian lobster fisheries. This information is needed to (a) on its own quantify the current state of the fishery; (b) develop a reliable simulation model to answer important questions like, “what is the “right” TAC in the southern zone fishery, or the “right” amount of effort in the northern zone fishery to achieve the long term goals of these fisheries?”. These questions cannot be answered at the present time with the current SA assessment methods.

Of immediate concern is the lack of a capacity to respond to external threats to the industry. The lobster industry is presently exposed and vulnerable to claims of over-fishing because it cannot respond with a defence of its management strategies and practices based on a formal risk assessment.

Because the risk of over-fishing is not quantified, the management committees must adopt the precautionary principle which may be costing the industry and the broader community millions of dollars in revenue from foregone commercial catch as well as substantially reduced recreational opportunities.

The industry may not be able to capitalise on opportunities for attracting premium prices for their product through certification of the fishery’s sustainability, and may even face problems meeting Australia’s own (future) export requirements unless it can quantify risk.

There is no doubt that the industry will require the proposed assessment tools. Securing the proposed capability can either be pro-active, or it will have to be re-active.


1. Undertake a careful review of appropriate models developed and used in other invertebrate fisheries, including those used in Tasmania and Western Australia.
2. Develop a spatial-, sex-, time- and age-dependent model (or equivalently a spatial-, sex-, time- and size-dependent model), taking advantage, where possible, of model components developed elsewhere.
3. Develop a simulation model based on the outputs from the model in (2).
4. Use the simulation model to evaluate various harvesting strategies to empower the fishing industry and managers to make better informed decisions and respond skilfully to critics.
5. Use the model to forecast catch and abundance for individual areas.
6. Use the model to answer the following questions: How much risk is associated with any particular TAC or level of effort? How much more can fishers gain in revenue terms under alternative harvesting strategies while demonstrating long term sustainability with a quantified risk? Which fishing regime produces a sustainable fishery, while, at the same time, maximises catch and revenue? How does the current harvesting strategy compare with to the optimal harvesting strategy? How much more biological information is gained or lost by adopting various harvesting strategies? What are the implications of lobsters' aggregating behaviour for the assessment of the stock?
7. To develop a modelling option that allows management to produce reports consistent with the ESD reporting framework developed by SCFA.

Final report

Population dynamics and reproductive ecology of the southern calamari in Tasmania

Project number: 2000-121
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $230,188.00
Principal Investigator: Natalie Moltschaniwskyj
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 16 Oct 2000 - 7 Mar 2004


Squid differ from fish in more than just short life span. They also have a relatively long juvenile phase, exponential growth, short spawning periods, spatial and temporal variability in population dynmaics and considerable inter-individual variability. Therefore, existing fish management strategies are unlikely to adequately address the spatial and temporal variability evident in squid populations. This project directly addresses the key areas of squid fisheries research, that is the need to clarify the variability in the life history characteristics in space and time. It will only be through the quantification of this information and the application of modelling techniques that we will be able to determine the appropriate management strategy for squid, eg closures vs limited access vs total allowable catch.

A need for research on Southern Calamari has arisen because the fishery targets sexually mature individuals on the spawning grounds while they are mating and laying eggs. This is a short-lived species (6-8 months) and populations are entirely dependent on successful production of young by each generation. Therefore, we need to determine the impacts of fishing upon adult populations and egg production, which may compromise future recruitment.

Fishers and managers in Tasmania have raised questions about the current status of Southern Calamari stocks, with suggestions that increasing exploitation may place the stocks at high risk of collapse. A number of factors such as the short lifespan, low fecundity, non-overlapping generations and high inter-annual recruitment variability of this species exacerbate the risk. Especially since managing a species with these biological characteristics cannot be based on previous catch history. We need to develop numerical models that can use biological indicators to manage stocks that are vulnerable to recruitment failure given that the primary target is spawning individuals.

The current state of biological and ecological knowledge about Southern Calamary does not allow management decisions to be made to allow this fishery to develop at sustainable levels. Consequently, there is an urgent need to quantify the productivity of Southern Calamari populations and determine which components of the population are fished by different gear types.


1. Describe temporal and spatial variability in rates of growth, size and age distributions, and reproductive status of populations of Southern Calamari.
2. Describe the spatial and temporal patterns of spawning activities and quantify the reproductive output of Southern Calamari populations.
3. Determine the age, size, spawning condition, and sex composition of the Southern Calamari caught by commercial fishers using different fishing gear.
4. Develop performance indicators to be used with Southern Calamari populations and other short-lived marine species.

Final report

ISBN: 1-86295-104-7
Author: Natalie Moltschaniwskyj

Assessment of illegal catches of Australian abalone: II. Development of desk-based survey methods

Project number: 2000-112
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $162,345.00
Principal Investigator: Harry Gorfine
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 16 Oct 2000 - 30 Dec 2002


FRDC have recently allocated $0.5M over 3 years for MAFRI to develop an abalone fishery model (Project 1999/116). Whilst the lack of estimates of illegal catch will not preclude the development of a model it will impede the application of the model for assessing abalone stocks because the true catch is unknown. Recent modelling and risk analysis for the Victorian abalone fishery has demonstrated the high sensitivity of stock reduction models to unknown catch. Although current levels of abalone resource theft are perceived to be high in relation to legal catches, the need to know the quantity of illegally caught abalone persists regardless of such perceptions. Over-estimating the illegal catch can be as serious a problem as assuming it to be negligible. Whilst there is some support for the contemporary view that abalone resource theft is high we also need to know about historical trends in illegal catches to the extent that available data will allow. This is important if we want to draw conclusions regarding the sustainability of the current absolute catch.

Aside from modelling and stock assessment there are other reasons why estimates of illegal catch are required. From a fisheries management perspective the effectiveness of total allowable catch quotas as output controls on Australian abalone fisheries is severely compromised by illegal catches. Even if stock assessments were based solely on fishery independent data that are not compromised by illegal catch levels, management options when deciding whether to adjust catch quotas may be limited if the scale of resource theft is known. For instance, decreases in legal TAC will not reduce the illegal take and may precipitate an increased in unlicensed effort. There will be little ownership by stakeholders of management decisions made under these circumstances. Fisheries enforcement would also benefit from estimating illegal catches, particularly because the underpinning data could be utilised in assessments of compliance rates and evaluation of costs and benefits of alternative enforcement options.

As mentioned in the background to this application, FRDC has already identified the need for projects such as those proposed by MAFRI and NSW FRI (FRDC Wild Abalone Fisheries R & D Needs Review, Project No. 98/170, pp. 69-70).


1. Develop statistically robust desk-based study methods to estimate illegal catches of abalone.
2. Apply the methodology to make contemporary and historical estimates using suitable data collected by government and non-government agencies.

Final report

Population structure of the patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, in Australian waters

Project number: 2000-108
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $71,219.00
Principal Investigator: Bob Ward
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 16 Oct 2000 - 29 Jul 2002


Resolution of stock structure of toothfish in Australian and other waters is required. Tagging experiments, while important, cannot by themselves give a complete picture of stock structure. If genetic differences between areas are detected, then the amount of gene flow between areas must be minimal and more than one stock can be assumed. However, if differences are not detected, then the hypothesis of a single genetic stock cannot be rejected. This hypothesis may be rejected if there is no evidence from tagging experiments of fish movement between areas. Therefore, resolution of stock structure is better managed by a combination of tagging and genetic approaches than by either approach alone. Tagging experiments are under way; we propose to carry out the required genetic analyses, and then consider both sets of data jointly to define likely stock structures.

Genetic evidence already collected (based on small sample sizes from two areas of Macquarie), suggests that the amount of movement between fishing locations might be very limited. If this preliminary conclusion is substantiated by larger sample sizes, then careful management of the fishery will be needed, as depletion of one area is unlikely to be quickly replaced by immigration from another area.

The work proposed here will resolve this issue for Macquarie island, and will also determine whether there are separable substocks of toothfish around HIMI, and whether the HIMI stock(s) are separable from the Macquarie island stock(s). Importantly, if William's Ridge fish are identified as part of a straddling stock extending into Australia's EEZ (Heard Island), then they can be managed as though wholly part of Australia's EEZ (recent UNIA agreement).

These issues have to be resolved for effective and sustainable management of toothfish fisheries by Australian management (AFMA). The information gathered will also be relevant to the management authorities of other nations controlling toothfish fisheries.

Note: Recent meetings of CCAMLR (1998, 1999) have recognised the urgent requirement of further work on stock structure in D. eleginoides , particularly as initial genetic studies in other laboratories using isolectric focussing and allozyme analysis have reported inconsistent results (see Box 1 below).


1. To use microsatellite variation to resolve the genetic connectivity of different spatial and temporal toothfish samples collected from Macquarie Island and Heard, McDonald Islands.
2. To compare genetic and tagging data from Macquarie and Heard, McDonald regions to maximise toothfish stock structure knowledge in these regions.
3. To report on the outputs from the research and the resultant management response.

Final report

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