939 results

9th International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms, 7-11 February 2000, Hobart

The FRDC sponsored 9th International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms held in Hobart, Tasmania, from 7-11 February 2000, was a resounding success. It was the largest conference on this topic (526 participants from 47 countries) ever held anywhere in the world. A total of 130 talks and 308 poster...
University of Tasmania (UTAS)

Diagnostic detection of aquatic pathogens using real-time next generation sequencing

Project number: 2018-147
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $216,000.00
Principal Investigator: David Cummins
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2019 - 28 Oct 2021


Current diagnostic programs generally rely on highly -specific assays for pathogen detection. While these techniques are invaluable, they are one dimensional and do not provide detailed information critical to a disease investigation. These gaps include the inability to detect unknown pathogens and potential variants of know pathogens and provide no additional genomic or transcriptomic data. Moreover, samples must be shipped to trained personnel in a laboratory, further delaying the time to diagnosis. The MinION, on the other hand, can theoretically detect any pathogen and can potentially be deployed to the field. Moreover, the MinION can rapidly generate full-length genomes, allowing for epidemiological tracking of viral or bacterial strains in near real-time. Such rapid data, which cannot be obtained as quickly using existing methods, are vital if the intention is to intervene in an outbreak and reduce impacts on the productivity and profitability of aquaculture facilities. For example, a rapid, early diagnosis may allow mitigating actions to be taken on-farm, such as the diversion of intake water, movement restrictions of stock and the isolation of infected ponds.
These qualities make the MinION an attractive complimentary platform to fill several gaps in the data obtained during disease outbreak investigations, or routine diagnostics, and potentially for use in the field. However, results from the misuse or lack of understanding of the technology could also have adverse regulatory implications for aquaculture industries. For example, without appropriate guidelines, an inexperienced diagnostician may misinterpret a distant DNA match in a pathogen database as a significant result, this may create unwanted attention to industry and potential stock destruction or changes to disease status that are unjustified. Thus, it is critical that the MinION is evaluated at the Australian Animal Health Laboratory, and guidelines and procedures are developed for accurate diagnostic evaluations. The activities detailed in this application will establish the feasibility of using the MinION for diagnostic applications, and ensure that the data is reliably generated and interpreted appropriately.


1. Evaluate if MinION data meets or exceeds the data obtained using established laboratory-based NGS platforms. Objectives (1) and (2) align with Methods section (1).The first objective of this project is to demonstrate if the MinION can obtain quality genome assemblies of known pathogens, such as WSSV, AHPND, OsHV-1 and HaHV that have been created using existing NGS technology. Moreover, determine if the MinION is capable of producing a diagnostic result more rapidly and with greater confidence than traditional techniques. STOP/GO POINT: If MinION data does not produce reliable genome assemblies, no improvement in genome quality, or is significantly more laborious to set-up/run or analyse than existing NGS technologies, do not proceed with objective 2.
2. Evaluate the performance of the MinION using existing diagnostic extraction techniques and produce robust methods and protocols for sample preparation, sequencing and data analysis. This objective will optimise MinION protocols for sample pre-processing, optimal sequencing conditions, and data post-processing. We will then evaluate the MinION data produced from a range of aquatic organisms against data produced using traditional techniques from the same samples. STOP/GO POINT: If after these optimisations, the MinION cannot detect pathogens as reliably as traditional techniques, do not proceed with objective 3.
3. Compare the applicability of MinION to standard molecular assays for identification of pathogens in diagnostic samples. Objective (3) is aligned with Methods section (2).In this objective, diagnostic samples will be tested using existing diagnostics tools (qPCR, cPCR) and MinION sequencing. Analysis between the methods will be detailed, including time to result, pathogen identity and genomic information. This objective will not only provide an insight into real-time sequencing for diagnostics, but in addition the feasibility of MinION technology for field application in the future.

Water treatment to control influent water biosecurity risk on Australian prawn farms. Effectiveness and impacts on production ponds.

This project assessed the performance of mechanical filtration as a means by which Australian prawn farmers could lower the risk of disease agent transfer into farms by selective removal of disease hosts and other vectors naturally present in farm source water. The project sought to provide...
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct

Minor use permit for oxytetracycline in non-salmonid finfish

There are no registered or permitted antimicrobial products approved by the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) for treatment of bacterial infections in finfish. This project developed an application for a minor-use permit (MUP) for the use of oxytetracycline (OTC) to...
University of Adelaide

Seafood CRC: Second generation tuna feeds

Project number: 2008-712
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $165,319.77
Principal Investigator: Craig Foster
Organisation: Clean Seas Seafood Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Dec 2007 - 30 Nov 2008


The availability of a manufactured feed is critical to the successful rearing of propagated tuna. This project is one of the three identified key issues that needs to be resolved to successfully achieve a propagated tuna industry.

Both of the Ridley and the Skretting feeds have the capability of resolving our feed requirements for pellets over 10mm. The Skretting product may be able to manufactured in pellets smaller than 10mm.

Without a reliable manufactured feed we have little chance of achieving the successful culture of significant SBT.


1. The availability of a viable manufactured feed supply in Australia to support the propagated tuna industry and the SBT wild caught fattening industry.
2. Determine the suitability of the Ridley/Hayashikane feed for fattening Southern Bluefin Tuna. Indicative growth, feed conversion, weaning mortality and degree of fatness will be determined for the feed.

SCRC: PhD: Broodstock conditioning and maturation of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) and optimisation of spawning induction techniques.

This thesis reports on an investigation of brood stock conditioning methods for the tropical sea cucumber Holothuria scabra. The project aims to advance the field of sea cucumber aquaculture by developing improved methods for the conditioning and spawning of brood stock. There is great demand for...
University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)

Research to provide data to support application for a minor use permits for chemicals including trichlorfon, chlorine, copper sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, benzylkonium chloride for control of disease including White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in Australian prawn farms.

The project involved generation of chemical data packages through review and aggregation of public domain documents for each chemical (trichlorfon, hydrogen peroxide, sodium and calcium hypochlorite, copper sulphate and benzalkonium chloride). This facilitated identification of data gaps requiring...
Future Fisheries Veterinary Service Pty Ltd (FFVS)
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