901 results

Shark Futures: Sustainable management of the NSW whaler shark fishery

New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) presents new information exploring the shark catch of the NSW Ocean Trap & Line Fishery and developing methods to ensure an accurately reported, sustainable and profitable fishery for large sharks is maintained. A combination of...
NSW Department of Primary Industries

Abalone population dynamics studies and reef area estimation

Most Australian abalone fisheries are fully exploited and a comparison of the total catch of blacklip abalone, Haliotis ruber, in the three south-eastern states indicates a decline in population size from south to north. The catch distribution from New South Wales parallels that trend. This decline...
NSW Department of Primary Industries
PROJECT NUMBER • 2008-326.38

People development program: FRDC Indigenous development scholarship - Angela Jeffery

The aim of this project was to develop a better understanding of Aboriginal fishing practices (past and present) through the development of educational materials. This was to be undertaken as on-the-job training while working at Fisheries Victoria’s Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre...
Agriculture Victoria

Aquafin CRC - Southern Bluefin Tuna Aquaculture Subprogram: net fouling management to enhance water quality and southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) performance

Project number: 2003-226
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $623,495.73
Principal Investigator: Kirsten Rough
Organisation: Aquaculture Management Consultants Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2004 - 31 Aug 2007


For tuna ranching to continue to develop it must improve the farming environment by providing optimum water quality to the tuna. This will improve the performance of farming operations and deliver quality products to the market and ultimately maintain Australian farmed tuna’s competitive edge.

Also the next major step in the industry's sustainable expansion strategy is longer term holding (eg. 15 months). The above planned outcomes of the anti-foul project are important prerequisites to successful long-term grow out.

The need for this project is quite obvious. If the culture environment is improved by the use of this product, more than likely the following will occur:

• Increased water flow through the nets
• Reduction in weight on farming structures
• Reducing the re-suspension of sediments during rough weather
• Reducing surface area for potential pathogens
• Improving net handling techniques
• Potential to increase longevity of nets
• Reduce or eliminate the need for diving to clean equipment.
• Improve cage integrity.

This project aims to integrate and coordinate the industries approach on anti-foul treatments and ensure this meets with regulatory requirements. Furthermore, it is necessary to find out the efficacy of anti-foul treatments by monitoring key biological and farm husbandry parameters through trials on commercial farms. As mentioned previously, the research farm identified that the product tested showed promise and this combined with the industry panel work enabled the manufacturer to make the necessary alterations to formulations and make new products to improve performance in Spencer Gulf.

Economically it is important to find out how long a single treatment will provide a reduction of fouling organisms given the current operating format of the industry. The cost to treat a net is significant but if the objectives are achieved then the benefits outlined in section B3 under “Need” will outweigh the costs. This includes whether nets need to be treated every season, or whether one treatment will reduce fouling over two seasons.

There is a need to provide confidence that the active constituent found in the anti-foul treatments are not absorbed by the cultured organism (in this situation being tuna), is not found in the sediments and is not taken up by other marine organisms that are located nearby.

Finally, it is a clear objective to disseminate results to industry every step of the way by forming close links with industry. Further to this extension role, results will be published in the “Tuna Brief” which is a recognised printed or electronic short communication within the tuna industry for disseminating research results. In addition, results will be presented at open forum industry research meetings.


1. Document current industry knowledge and methods used to control bio-fouling on nets and associated structures (both physical and chemical means) for various marine finfish species cultured in Australia and overseas.
2. Co-ordinate the tuna industries approach in antifoul treatments.
3. Review currently available commercial antifoulant products, including the mechanisms by which they reduce fouling and the regulations involved in their use.
4. Determine efficacy (through reduction in fouling growth and impact on net integrity) of antifoulant products identified by objective 3 with net panels in the local environment where tuna are currently ranched.
5. Identify the development pattern of fouling communities on commercial tuna cages that are subject to the current standard industry practices, and relate this to oxygen levels monitored on the outside and inside of these nets.
6. Establish relationship between the percentage cover of fouling communities with water flow, net weight and net drag.
7. Enhance the dissolved oxygen diffusion model to provide predictive capacity for industry to evaluate fouling management systems.
8. Field test the most effective anti-foul treatment identified by objective 4 on a commercial tuna cage with the typical industry regime of tuna stocking density, feeding and net maintenance. Effectiveness of the antifoulant will be assessed utilising methods developed and used in objectives 4 and 5.
9. Test the chemical residue status of tuna and shellfish within the cage and the sediment beneath the net for the treated cage and compare these to tuna, shellfish and sediment of an untreated control.
10. Assess the health status of tuna in the treated cage by comparing it with that of two control/untreated cages (health status incorporates behaviour, mortality and histopathology).
11. Disseminate results to industry on a regular basis through verbal, written and electronic communication.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9807000-1-5
Authors: Kirsten Rough Rocky de Nys Maylene Loo and David Ellis
Final Report • 2009-07-31 • 4.65 MB


The main aim of the 'Aquafin CRC - FRDC Southern Bluefin Tuna Aquaculture Subprogram: Net Fouling Management to Enhance Water Quality and SBT Performance' project was to better understand the impact of net fouling in sea-cage culture, specifically within the South Australian southern bluefin tuna (SBT) farming industry and to investigate antifouling treatment as an option to mitigate these.

Reviews of the international scientific and technical literature on biofouling and sea-cage culture of fin-fish were undertaken. These suggested that biofouling is a significant problem in fin-fish aquaculture world wide. Biofouling adversely effects water quality, water flow, waste accumulation, fish productivity, fish health, and can also cause the deformation of cages and structural fatigue of infrastructure. Biofouling development and the types of fouling communities present can be influenced by the physio-chemical environment (eg. salinity, light, depth, water quality, nutrients), as well as farm practices including the characteristics of the netting (e.g. mesh size, mesh structure and mesh material). The range of currently available antifouling technologies were reviewed, including directions for future research.


Developing a support tool for management decisions in coastal multi-species scalefish fisheries

Project number: 2008-010
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $369,453.55
Principal Investigator: Philippe Ziegler
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 21 Jul 2008 - 29 Jun 2011


The Tasmanian fishing industry and management identified the need for a better understanding of structure and strategies of the scalefish fishery. This information ranges from the number of fishers targeting the various species, to the degree of operational specialisation or generalisation, and the seasonal and spatial fishing strategies including key drivers for fishing decisions.

Amalgamating these dynamics in multi-species and multi-gear fisheries into a holistic fishery approach in stock assessment and management, rather than the commonly-used single-species approaches, is needed. Such an approach is crucial to reduce unexpected cross-species impacts brought about by effort shifts between different components of the whole fishery as a response to changes in management measures and/or resource availability.

This proposal addresses three key research and development priorities for wild fisheries outlined in the Tasmanian Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Strategic Plan (2005-2008): 'Management options/assessment' by seeking to optimise management measures for the scalefish fisheries; 'Resource assessment & monitoring' by providing information on the current and projected structure of scalefish resources; and 'Impacts of fishing' by supporting the evaluation of the effects of alternative management and fishing scenarios on fished populations.

This project addresses also the FRDC R&D ‘Natural resource sustainability’ priority to ‘Measure and mitigate the interactions of fishing and non-fishing activities on the aquatic environment and fish stocks‘ and ‘Developing spatially explicit management models for fish stocks’. Considering the spatial overlap and interactions of scalefish species and their fisheries, the project supports the FRDC's strategic vision to move towards assessment and management of Australia’s fisheries at the ecosystem rather than single-species level.


1. Characterize the fleet dynamics including fishing strategies, key drivers for fishing activities and fishers’ responses to management changes in multi-species coastal scalefish fisheries through a synthesis of logbook data and industry survey.
2. Characterize the fishery and stock dynamics in the spatially-structured ISIS-Fish model for multi-gear and multi-species fisheries.
3. Evaluate the suitability of ISIS-Fish as a support tool for management decisions in coastal multi-species scalefish fisheries in Australia.

Spatial interactions among juvenile southern bluefin tuna at the global scale: a large scale archival tag experiment

Results have increased our confidence in the recruitment index based on the aerial survey in the Great Australian Bight (GAB) by confirming that the timing and duration are ideal, that the majority of juvenile SBT are likely to return to the GAB each summer, and that based on current evidence it is...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

Passive acoustic techniques to monitor aggregations of sound producing fish species

The need to optimise spawning success and survival of offspring by fishes has resulted in the evolution of a vast array of reproductive strategies, such as spawning aggregations. A spawning aggregation is defined by Domeier and Colin (1997) as, “a group of con-specific fish gathered for the...
Curtin University
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