6,352 results

Aquareovirus (TSRV) vaccine development for the Tasmanian salmonid aquaculture industry

Project number: 2011-224
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,530,308.40
Principal Investigator: Richard Morrison
Organisation: Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE TAS)
Project start/end date: 11 Jun 2012 - 19 Dec 2019


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Tasmanian Aquabirnavirus vaccine development: Towards achieving pan-specific protection of cultured salmonids in Australia using multivalent vaccines

Project number: 2010-032
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,170,685.09
Principal Investigator: Richard Morrison
Organisation: Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE TAS)
Project start/end date: 31 May 2010 - 20 Dec 2019


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Storm Bay Biogeochemical Modelling & Information System: Supporting sustainable aquaculture expansion in Tasmania

Project number: 2017-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,680,761.30
Principal Investigator: Karen Wild-Allen
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Jul 2018 - 30 Jul 2022


For the Tasmanian Salmon Industry to expand into new coastal and offshore areas it needs to demonstrate responsible stewardship and sustainable use of natural resources to maintain the support of Government agencies and the Tasmanian community. For Government agencies to assess the environmental implications of the Salmon Industry they need to understand the environmental footprint of the industry, the capacity of the environment to assimilate waste loads, vulnerable locations where impacts might be foreseen, suitable locations and times to monitor change, possible future environmental trajectories under various management scenarios, and appropriate impact mitigation strategies. With this information the State Government and Industry can demonstrate best practice in the strategic and sustainable expansion of farm sites, minimise environmental impacts and keep the Tasmanian community well informed.

An information system is required that can report and compare current water quality conditions from models and observations, provide short-term forecasts, analysis of scenario projections of plausible future conditions for planning purposes and link to decision support tools to optimise management response and monitoring programs. The modelling and information system needs to have the capability for future deployment in multiple sub-regions of interest around Tasmania. This requires a downscaling approach where high-resolution local models can be rapidly deployed within a larger scale regional model encompassing the whole of Southeast Australia.

One region with an urgent need for such a modelling and information system is Storm Bay where knowledge gaps in hydrodynamic circulation, nutrient sources and transformations, the assimilative capacity of the environment and the footprint of proposed farms, currently limit responsible industry expansion and governance.


1. To evaluate the performance of the existing hydrodynamic model of Storm Bay
2. To characterise the primary sources of nutrients into Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river inputs.
3. To deliver a validated model of water quality in Storm Bay suitable for assessing future salmon farm expansion.
4. To provide an information system comprising model results, observations and synthesis analyses, with links to parallel projects (e.g. monitoring program, decision support tools, seasonal predictions).

Final report

Authors: Karen Wild-Allen John Andrewartha Mark Baird Jack Beardsley Elizabeth Brewer Lev Bodrossy Ruth Eriksen Rob Gregor David Griffin Mike Herzfeld David Hughes Pete Jansen Clothilde Langlais Nugzar Margvelashvili Andrew Martini Merinda McMahon Andrew Revill Farhan Rizwi Jenny Skerratt Cassie Schwanger Kendall Sherrin Sascha Frydman Dan Wild
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 

TSGA IPA: Tassal: Innovative Seal Exclusion Technology

Project number: 2013-222
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $313,504.40
Principal Investigator: Depha Miedecke
Organisation: Tassal Group
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2013 - 14 Jun 2014


Tassal is in a position where it is has become necessary to re-evaluate the measures taken for seal management and has made a commitment to zero destruction. Although relocation is used as an interim, it is recognised by all parties that this is a costly and temporary solution. Relocation carries the risk of alienating important stakeholders such as recreational and commercial fishers, who are negatively impacted by the process.

Despite the increased attention and budget dedicated to this issue, seal strikes, trappings and relocations continue to increase. Seal interactions have on numerous occasions resulted in documented and medically treated injuries and have presented, through aggressive and threatening behaviour, an unacceptable OH&S risk to marine farm employees. In order to resolve this challenging issue, a systematic co-ordinated approach is needed, with the trial and implementation of new exclusion and deterrent methods a priority.

Tassal has employed Wildlife Management Officers, whose sole responsibility is to audit and manage seal interactions, and continues to look for improved forms of exclusion technology and to gain an increased understanding of seal behaviour. As protocols dictate, Tassal works with the DPIPWE Wildlife Management Branch to evaluate new exclusion equipment.

The monofilament nets currently being used are easy for seals to breach and kikko nets have proven successful in exclusion on a small scale. It is essential that Tassal trials kikko nets in full scale commercial conditions, at high risk sites before committing to company wide implementation. Kikko nets are a significant departure from current technology and due to the expensive nature of the product, a considerable increase in overhead costs would result. Full scale trials must take place to ensure the nets are a viable investment, as there is the possibility that they will not be successful in exclusion when implemented across an entire lease.


1. To prove kikko nets are a long term and reliable exclusion method to prevent seal interactions on its marine farms, prior to a large financial capital commitment across the company
2. To further prove the viability of in-situ net washing with the kikko technology
3. Reduce OH&S risk exposure for divers and operations staff when rigging pens
4. Identify operational functionality of the system i.e. routine operation, integrity of moorings, harvesting, net cleaning and towing
5. To evaluate the performance of kikko nets in a high energy environment
6. Measure the reduction of marine debris entering the environment
7. To disseminate the results of the project via a workshop

Movement, habitat utilisation and population status of the endangered Maugean skate and implications for fishing and aquaculture operations in Macquarie Harbour

Project number: 2013-008
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $263,825.01
Principal Investigator: Jeremy Lyle
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2013 - 30 Oct 2015


Little is known about the life history of the endangered Maugean skate but it does appear to have a very restricted distributional range (Macquarie and Bathurst Harbours, the latter a marine protected area) and in all likelihood a small population size.

The expansion of marine farming in Macquarie Harbour represents a key element of the salmonid industry’s plan to significantly increase Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout production in Tasmania. In considering the planning application, the MFPRP identified that research is required to more properly understand the ecological effects of the proposed farming operations, including potential impacts on the Maugean skate. Key research priorities identified by the MFPRP were the need to describe distribution, abundance and general ecology of the species, such information being a precursor to determining the nature of interactions with marine farming operations. Furthermore, the Panel noted the need to better understand the potential effects on the Maugean skate of efforts to recover escapees through fish-down using gillnets. This concern links to the more general population risk posed by gillnetting, noting that skate are taken incidentally in commercial and recreational gillnets and that gillnetting activity is strongly associated with targeting of escapees.

By employing acoustic tracking and non-destructive biological sampling techniques, this project will provide the science to understand the nature of interactions between fishing and aquaculture activities and the Maugean skate as well as enhancing our knowledge about its conservation status. Through such understanding it will be possible to evaluate risk and develop strategies to manage interactions and, where necessary, implement measures to mitigate negative impacts on the skate.

This proposal addresses RD&E priorities relevant to understanding the impacts of aquaculture due to expansion as well as mitigating the impacts of fishing on threatened, endangered and protected species.


1. Determine the distribution, habitat utilisation and movement of the Maugean skate in Macquarie Harbour.
2. Determine the key biological characteristics of Maugean skate, including population size, reproductive dynamics and feeding habits.
3. Describe the spatial and temporal dispersal patterns of salmonid escapees in Macquarie Harbour.
4. Assess the potential impacts of current and proposed marine farming operations on the Maugean skate population.
5. Evaluate strategies to reduce the probability of encountering Maugean skate whilst fishing (gillnetting) for escapees.

INFORMD Stage 2: Risk-based tools supporting consultation, planning and adaptive management for aquaculture and other multiple-uses of the coastal waters of southern Tasmania

Project number: 2012-024
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $750,000.00
Principal Investigator: Scott A. Condie
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 26 Aug 2012 - 7 Jul 2016


A range of human activities influence water quality and other marine environmental values in southern Tasmania. For example, cage based salmon farming is currently restricted to the Huon Estuary, D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Tasman Peninsula, with other activities in these waters having the potential to be affected by, or have an effect on, aquaculture (e.g. industrial processes, urban development, municipal services, fisheries, recreation, tourism). Given the multi-user nature of the marine environment, it is important to recognise the diverse needs and expectations of the broader community when identifying values and evaluating trade-offs in the system as a whole. For example, water quality issues such as eutrophication and nuisance algae are important to both the aquaculture industry and the wider community, while issues such as public access, views and maintenance of recreational assets may be of particular concern to local communities. There is an urgent need to develop and apply innovative tools based on the best available scientific knowledge (e.g. INFORMD) to support consultation, planning and management of aquaculture and other uses of southern Tasmanian coastal waters.


1. For the marine environment of southern Tasmania, characterise key environmental, social and economic values and aspirations from industry, government and community perspectives.
2. Relate these values to measurable indicators based on understanding of key biophysical and socio-economic processes.
3. Develop a framework to support spatial risk assessment for planning of future development within the system, with an initial focus on aquaculture leases.
4. Develop a framework for evaluating spatial risk management strategies, with an initial focus on managing aquaculture leases.
5. Integrate the planning framework (objective 3) and risk management framework (objective 4) into an online tool accessible to key stakeholders.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-0842-2
Author: Scott Condie
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