523 results

SCRC: PhD: the relevance of Human Resource Practices (HRP) as a driver of aquaculture industry performance.

Project number: 2011-700
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Bishnu Sharma
Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
Project start/end date: 28 Feb 2011 - 30 Dec 2013


There is a needed to increase the understanding of the development of human capital, and the linkages between HRP and performance, for the ongoing advancement of the Australian aquaculture industry.

Development and implementation of an integrated electronic weighing, recording and video monitoring of catch landings - SA Southern Zone Rocklobster Fishery

Project number: 2006-234
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $58,630.44
Principal Investigator: Roger Edwards
Organisation: Corvel Marketing and Management
Project start/end date: 22 Jul 2006 - 30 Jun 2007


The fishery is managed within the broad sustainability framework provided by the Fisheries Act 1982 and in accordance with the Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan 1997 (the Plan). The Plan provides clear management guidelines for all stakeholders, consistent with established biological economic, environmental and social principles.

In addition in order to maintain an exemption from the export controls of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act), the fishery is assessed to confirm that the fishery is operating within the ‘guidelines for the ecologically sustainable management of fisheries.

The mainstays of ensuring stock sustainability under these Acts are to ensure the catch quota is not exceeded and that information is available to undertake accurate stock assessments. This requires effective monitoring of landings and accurate weighing of catch along with deterrents to avoiding quota and prosecution when breaches occur.

Accurate and timely data collection and management is required and under a full cost recovery regime these costs are borne directly by licence holders in the fishery.

Ongoing improvements in monitoring and recording are needed to offset cost increases in Government research and compliance services over time.


1. Manage Supply, installation and operation of an Integrated Electronic Catch Weighing and Video Monitoring System.
2. Develop and implement an industry extension program to support introduction of the system.
3. Established an independent review of the system and prepare reports.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-51542-7
Author: Roger Edwards

NCCP: Population dynamics and Carp biomass estimates

Project number: 2018-120
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $240,000.00
Principal Investigator: John D. Koehn
Organisation: Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP)
Project start/end date: 19 Dec 2018 - 18 Aug 2019


FRDC is leading a National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) to ensure maximum success of the CyHV-3 virus. The objective of the present proposal is to inform resource allocation for CyHV-3 release planning, clean-up and management of potential ecological impacts, and provide a robust estimate of carp abundance and biomass in a broad range of aquatic habitats, reaches and river basins in eastern Australia. As part of this program it is underrating an assessment of Carp biomasses (NCCP: Preparing for carp herpesvirus: a carp biomass estimate for eastern Australia) based on data collected at various points in time.

Carp are highly fecund and adaptable and therefore their populations are extremely dynamic. This means that any static population estimate at any particular point in time can quickly change, and therefore must be used cautiously. It also means that overall populations can vary widely: data from river surveys in the mid-Murray (relatively stable habitats) varied by about 200% pre-, during and post drought. Less stable habitats would be likely to have higher levels of population variability. By their very nature, population assessments can only be undertaken at individual sites at particular points in time and there is the need for adjustments to this data to provide more accurate estimates of populations for any other point in time.
Carp population dynamics are driven by very large recruitment events and there are three factors that influence recruitment events:
1. flows (hydrology); and
2. access to habitats (often also dictated by flows)
3. existing population structure
Carp populations are particularly responsive to conditions conducive to recruitment, especially when there are successive events that cumulatively drive populations. Therefore, these aspects need to be taken into account to guide management and allow predictions to be made as to actions and likely outcomes. The carp biomass estimate currently being undertaken will give a point-in-time estimate for July 2018. This will need to be adjusted for any release date beyond 2018. Data collected should allow for examination of the existing population structure, which can then be added into the model for future predictions.


1. Conceptual combination of SMDB, NMDB and coastal model components (work with biomass staff) Reconfigure SMDB model Addition of extra habitat components and model for the NMDB and coastal rivers
2. Examination and inclusion of existing population structures (biomass data)
3. Determination of the timeframes and scenarios to be run from the biomass estimates
4. Data collation and modelling
5. Results interpretation and report writing

Final report

Authors: Charles R. Todd John D. Koehn Tim R. Brown Ben Fanson Shane Brooks and Ivor Stuart
Final Report • 2019-11-29 • 3.06 MB


This study was undertaken by the Arthur Rylah Institute for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is Australia’s most invasive pest fish. To facilitate more effective management, the Australian Government is considering release of a Carp herpesvirus (CyHV-3) (‘Carp virus’), as a potential biological control agent. This required an estimation of Carp biomass across Australia. This Carp biomass estimate provided static ‘points-in-time’ (for May 2011 and May 2018) derived from available historic catch data collected over the past 20-years. As Carp populations can respond rapidly to hydrological conditions, especially flood events that provide access to preferred spawning habitats and can lead to significant recruitment, there is a need to consider likely population outcomes from subsequent hydrological conditions. Multiple wet years can lead to large population growth and multiple dry years leading to population stagnation or decline. Hence, the static 2011 and 2018 biomass estimates cannot specifically be applied to future scenarios when the Carp virus may be released. The use of a dynamic Carp population model was recognised as a method that could provide future estimates of biomass, taking into account likely several possible hydrological scenarios for the time of future virus release. The aim of this project was to modify and apply the existing Carp population model to provide forward temporal estimates of likely Carp biomass and numbers for a range of hydrological scenarios for the year 2023, using the static estimate for 2018 provided from the Carp biomass project.

Storm Bay research program management, governance and extension

Project number: 2018-103
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $636,438.96
Principal Investigator: Heidi J. Mumme
Organisation: Mi-Fish Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Jul 2019 - 30 May 2024


Proposed salmon aquaculture expansion in Storm Bay has created the Tasmanian State Government (PA and EPA) need for a suite of research to be undertaken by CSIRO and IMAS to assist planning and regulation. Given the complexity of the Storm Bay research and implications for Salmon planning and regulation, and necessary community communication, there is a need for ‘Storm Bay Project’ governance and communication support as follows:

1) A Project Manager, to be engaged by FRDC will require a 0.5 FTE role (to be reviewed 6 and 12 months for adequacy and need), will coordinate Project Governance (relating to the IMAS and CSIRO research suite) and provide direct reporting to the Steering Committee, against the agreed work plan on progress, achievements or challenges. The Project Manager will chair the various sub-committees, and manage consultants and communication releases to develop and ensure integration of monitoring and research, delivery of outcomes, and public reporting. The PM will also be responsible for coordinating engagement between the steering committee and independent governance committee. An operational in-direct cost will be needed for computer, stationary, catering and transport costs for the function on the Project Manager.

2) Communication Advisory Sub-committee support as required
a) Consultant support is needed to create the Storm Bay Project communication strategy and communication products,

3) Community Reference Group Support as required
a) Support for an independent convener is requested to create a Community Reference Group that will provide community input into the Storm Bay Project communication strategy
b) A research evaluation of the Community Reference Group outputs is warranted to assess and improve community engagement and communication (Dr Alexander)

4) Tasmanian State Government see the need for the outputs of all 3-research projects to be independent externally reviewed and that the findings be-released into the public domain. Support for an external Independent Review Panel of the CSIRO and IMAS research suite outputs will be sought via a future project extension (proposal to be prepared by the Project Manager).


1. Support Storm Bay Project communication strategy development, public communication and evaluation
2. Provide governance support to the Storm Bay Project
3. Develop a project extension in order to undertake an independent peer review of science outputs from this CSIRO and IMAS research suite

Storm Bay Biogeochemical Modelling & Information System: Supporting sustainable aquaculture expansion in Tasmania

Project number: 2017-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,680,761.30
Principal Investigator: Karen Wild-Allen
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Jul 2018 - 30 Jul 2022


For the Tasmanian Salmon Industry to expand into new coastal and offshore areas it needs to demonstrate responsible stewardship and sustainable use of natural resources to maintain the support of Government agencies and the Tasmanian community. For Government agencies to assess the environmental implications of the Salmon Industry they need to understand the environmental footprint of the industry, the capacity of the environment to assimilate waste loads, vulnerable locations where impacts might be foreseen, suitable locations and times to monitor change, possible future environmental trajectories under various management scenarios, and appropriate impact mitigation strategies. With this information the State Government and Industry can demonstrate best practice in the strategic and sustainable expansion of farm sites, minimise environmental impacts and keep the Tasmanian community well informed.

An information system is required that can report and compare current water quality conditions from models and observations, provide short-term forecasts, analysis of scenario projections of plausible future conditions for planning purposes and link to decision support tools to optimise management response and monitoring programs. The modelling and information system needs to have the capability for future deployment in multiple sub-regions of interest around Tasmania. This requires a downscaling approach where high-resolution local models can be rapidly deployed within a larger scale regional model encompassing the whole of Southeast Australia.

One region with an urgent need for such a modelling and information system is Storm Bay where knowledge gaps in hydrodynamic circulation, nutrient sources and transformations, the assimilative capacity of the environment and the footprint of proposed farms, currently limit responsible industry expansion and governance.


1. To evaluate the performance of the existing hydrodynamic model of Storm Bay
2. To characterise the primary sources of nutrients into Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river inputs.
3. To deliver a validated model of water quality in Storm Bay suitable for assessing future salmon farm expansion.
4. To provide an information system comprising model results, observations and synthesis analyses, with links to parallel projects (e.g. monitoring program, decision support tools, seasonal predictions).

Final report

Authors: Karen Wild-Allen John Andrewartha Mark Baird Jack Beardsley Elizabeth Brewer Lev Bodrossy Ruth Eriksen Rob Gregor David Griffin Mike Herzfeld David Hughes Pete Jansen Clothilde Langlais Nugzar Margvelashvili Andrew Martini Merinda McMahon Andrew Revill Farhan Rizwi Jenny Skerratt Cassie Schwanger Kendall Sherrin Sascha Frydman Dan Wild
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 
Final Report • 2020-01-01 • 37.63 MB


  1. This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The project has been subject to internal and external peer review, who note: ‘The authors are to be congratulated on an impressive and comprehensive modelling study and report. The work follows or exceeds current best practices in marine biogeochemical modelling and model evaluation.’
  2. The residual circulation in Storm Bay is generally clockwise, and primarily driven by freshwater input; tracers released in some side bays and at some farm sites have relatively long residence times.
  3. In summer, instabilities in the East Australia Current result in sub-mesoscale eddies and filaments entering Storm Bay with highly intermittent intrusions of warm oligotrophic water in the upper 50 m that can initiate or reinforce Marine Heat Waves, and cold nutrient-rich water at the bottom that can result in nutrient spikes. Fronts associated with 3 water masses continually move and cause large fluctuations in water quality at monitoring sites. - We recommend ongoing operation of the near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System, to inform the interpretation of sparse monitoring data of contemporary river plume and oceanic influence.
  4. In winter, extension of the Zeehan Current delays influx of nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay, with strong interannual variability.
  5. Broad-scale simulated sediment features (kilometres and more) showed plausible sediment resuspension during extreme weather in Storm Bay; some stochastic variability was not reproduced in the model due in part to unresolved small-scale spatial variability in the hydrodynamic and/or sediment fields.
  6. Simulation of nitrogen cycling in Storm Bay shows peak surface nitrogen occurs in winter due to seasonally high river discharge and anthropogenic inputs augmented by ocean influx in late winter; in summer highly variable bottom water intrusion events bring nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water into Storm Bay. There is considerable interannual variation in nitrogen supply to Storm Bay. For the period 2016-19 on average 49% of nitrogen input to Storm Bay was from the ocean and 4% from local fish farms; loss terms included 53% exported to the ocean and 13% to local denitrification.
  7. Scenario simulations of increasing anthropogenic nutrient load predict an increase in Storm Bay water column nitrogen and chlorophyll, a small decline in bottom water dissolved oxygen and light and an increase in mesotrophic area (from formerly oligotrophic). Nitrogen budget analysis showed increasing export of nitrogen from Storm Bay to the ocean and adjacent waterways. Small systematic changes in water quality due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment would be difficult to identify at monitoring stations due to high natural variability.
  8. New observations collected from multiple observation platforms (gliders, benthic landers, profiling moorings, small and large research vessels) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, often in locations that were difficult to sample frequently by traditional means, were fundamental to our new understanding of the influence of water masses and resuspension on water quality in Storm Bay, and essential for the demonstration of the model as fit for the purpose of simulating the water quality in Storm Bay.
  9. A laboratory resuspension process study showed a rapid increase in microbial activity and systematic decline in nutrients in overlying water during resuspension; this suggested that microbial assimilation during resuspension events can be an important pathway for nutrient transformation.
  10. Outputs from this project are made available via the Storm Bay Modelling & Information System Dashboard which has been designed with stakeholder input to meet their need for ready access to information and tools for strategic and tactical decisions. 

NCCP: Impact Costs of Carp & Expected Benefits and Costs Associated with Carp Control in the Murray Darling Basin

Project number: 2016-132
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $227,486.36
Principal Investigator: Peter Chudleigh
Organisation: Agtrans Research
Project start/end date: 31 May 2017 - 29 Sep 2018


To help meet the objectives of the NCCP the FRDC team requires an improved understanding of the likely benefits and costs of implementing the NCCP.

Please see attached proposal document accompanying this submission for further information.


1. Quantify the current and future costs of carp being present in Australia by sector of the community affected.
2. Calculate the likely benefits of addressing carp impacts in Australia through the National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) (in market and non-market value terms).
3. Specify the distribution of costs and benefits of different community groups.
4. Form strong links with the parallel NCCP risk management project (project code: 2017-054) with regard to exchange of information on risk management issues and cost and benefit information.
5. Work closely with other project teams to quantify costs of implementing the NCCP once methods are defined
this will allow the total benefits of control to be compared with total costs of implementing the NCCP.
6. Submit a draft report to the NCCP National Coordinator by June 2018 that addresses the likely benefits and costs of proceeding with the NCCP.
7. Prepare a second report of likely benefits and costs of implementing the NCCP that contributes to a Cabinet Submission in September 2018.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-82378-2
Authors: T. Hardaker J. Abell P.D. Chudleigh J. Bennett and R. Gillespie
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.
Final Report • 2020-08-17 • 4.10 MB


This project, undertaken by Agtrans Research in association with Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) and Gillespie Economics, investigated the current and future impact costs of European Carp in Australian waterways, particularly the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), and the costs and benefits of Carp biocontrol through the proposed release of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). The project aims to provide critical information on the potential costs and benefits associated with Carp and Carp biocontrol for decision-makers assessing the proposed control of Carp in Australia through the NCCP.

Value added beche-de-mer products

Project number: 1992-125.02
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $13,000.00
Principal Investigator: Rich
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 1994 - 18 Apr 1995


1. To develop a number of value added products using beche-de-mer
2. To advance industry from iminial processing to substantial processing
3. To fully utilise limited resource

Final report

ISBN: 0724265090
Author: B.R. Rich
Final Report • 1995-03-30 • 4.77 MB


In recent years, increased interest has been shown in the Queensland beche-de-mer industry. As a consequence, there has been a number of initiatives taken to ensure the industry will have a sustainable future. The industry, traditionally a 'cottage' industry in the past, has not been able to access many of the practices employed in 'main stream' food manufacturing operations. However, with the adoption of modern technology and modern processing establishments coming on line, the industry is joining the 'main stream' of food processing.

With the use of modern equipment and the high capital outlay, it is important to produce products of as high a quality as possible and maximise returns. This publication endeavours to cover issues which are relevant to the modernization of this industry. By increasing awareness of factors influencing processing and product quality, it is hoped the Queensland beche-de-mer industry will establish a sustained future and reputation as a supplier of high quality products.

Tackle Box - Fishing at home during Covid 19

Project number: 2019-213
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $70,000.00
Principal Investigator: Adam J. Martin
Organisation: Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF)
Project start/end date: 14 Oct 2020 - 31 Aug 2021


The ARFF Tackle Box project is funded through the ‘our marine parks’ grants funded by Parks Australia. The project aims to develop a recreational fishing app to collect data from scheduled recreational fishing competitions around Australia with the aim of being able to provide data on the interactions of recreational fishers with Australia’s Commonwealth Marine Parks. So far, the application has 1049 unique users, used for 9 fishing events, and has had data input for 1905 fish and 85 Photo only competition entries.
A real and meaningful opportunity exists for ARFF to lead the national recreational fishing community by introducing some simple retooling of the ARFF Tackle Box app and get on the front foot. There will be a push from some groups to keep people fishing but the reality is we need to be responsible right now. At this point, I think this is a moment FRDC can shine as well by supporting with funding as I am told there is considerable funds still available with the Rec Fish Research budget. Also, the government has subtly announced fiscal stimulus packages for sports and arts soon to keep the population engaged and there maybe potential to tap into both sporting/recreation and mental health funding. We have received offers of help to apply for these funding opportunities by professionals in these fields when they become available.
The proposal is to revise the current model and focus on the stash of data that exists already on people’s phones and keeping people engaged at home so that when the crisis passes, they are ready to go on our network. Capitalising on the low hanging fruit without fishers actively fishing and easily reach a user target of ten thousand people in a matter of weeks and potentially One hundred thousand users within 6 months without leaving home. This consists of 5 key elements:

• Fantasy/Photo only competition where people submit what they have on their phones from previous fishing trips before ARFF’s “quarantine at home/fish within the rules” policy came into effect.
• Community voting, engagement rather than “scoreboards”. It actively engages the community without the need to leave home.
• Keeping people connected with regular briefings and interactions with the states and regio


1. To further develop the Tackle box project/application (funded by Parks Australia) to connect recreational fishers during the COVID-19 situation
2. To use the extended platform to educated recreational fishers on the relevance of Government measures to recreational fishing, ensuring those that should not be fishing don’t and those that can know under what conditions they can.
3. To extend FRDC information through the new platform including advertising of the current national social and economic survey and extending of results and information relevant as they become available. Extend other relevant project information in this time such as Tuna Champions, fish handling practices, habitat rehabilitation, safety etc.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-6484281-1-4
Authors: Adam Martin Stefan Sawynok and Bill Sawynok
Final Report • 1.79 MB


This project examined the impact of Covid-19 on recreational fishing using a citizen science approach. The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) teamed up with Infofish Australia Pty Ltd to use recaptures of tagged fish in Queensland and fishing competitions around Australia in novel ways to assess the impact by comparing data from 2020 with 2019.

Next generation decision support tools to support sustainable aquaculture in Storm Bay

Project number: 2018-104
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $791,324.00
Principal Investigator: Daniel Wild
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2018 - 30 Mar 2023


To expand into new coastal and offshore areas, the Tasmanian Salmon Industry needs to maintain the support of State Government and the Tasmanian community by clearly demonstrating responsible stewardship and sustainable use of the marine environment. For Government agencies to adequately assess the environmental implications of these developments, they need to understand the environmental footprint of the industry, the capacity of the environment to assimilate waste loads, and any other environmental risks associated with aquaculture operations. With this information State Government and Industry can demonstrate best practice in the strategic and sustainable expansion of aquaculture, minimise environmental impacts, and keep the Tasmanian community well informed.

In recent years, the utility of environmental models and decision support tools have been successfully demonstrated for the Huon Estuary and D’Entrecasteaux Channel. For example, the availability of a validated biogeochemical model for this region enabled the development of the marine ecological emulator for rapid assessment of aquaculture operations on water quality.

Expansion of salmon aquaculture into new regions, such as Storm Bay, now requires both geographical extension of these capabilities and more flexible and cost-effective implementation approaches to modelling. In particular there is a need to develop lease scale modelling to predict and assess near scale (lease/cage) effect of aquaculture development.

The proposed expansion of the capabilities and decisions support tools outlined in this project will assist the State Government and Industry to forecast the potential extent and nature of impacts of aquaculture operations on the marine environment at multiple scales (e.g. lease and broadscale) under a range of operational scenarios.


1. Provide relocatable modelling capability that can supply enhanced resolution environmental information within Storm Bay.
2. To provide access to a public online decision support tool to assist with the management of waterborne contaminants and marine biosecurity within Storm Bay
3. To provide registered stakeholders with access to an online decision support tool to assist with the management of water quality in Storm Bay

4th National Abalone Convention

Project number: 2008-330
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Dean M. Lisson
Organisation: Abalone Council Australia Ltd (ACA)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2008 - 30 Oct 2008


Australian abalone fisheries face similar threats to the sustainability, marketability of stocks and products. Australia is in an enviable position with a pristine marine environment, and provides the lion's share of the world supply of greenlip and blacklip abalone (H. laevegata & H. rubra). It is evident that abalone producing States do not communicate often or closely enough to maximise the benefits of the extra efforts each State is doing in terms of R&D, stock enhancement, marketing and product labelling. Also, it is evident that there are very few industry driven conventions or conferences around Australia and the world. This idea or concept for a National Forum within which to share ideas and results from various endeavours became a high priority for the Australian abalone industry which is very much supported by other abalone producing States. The convention will address the following needs:
• The need for abalone fisheries to address key issues such as marketing, industry development, product development and labelling.
• The need for closer and more extensive communication and networking with other abalone fishery participants.
• The need for participants to share information, data and methodologies adopted in R&D programs and compliance strategies.
• The need to identify areas of R&D that have proved successful and to imitate that success.
• To update the national strategic plan addressing common issues.


1. To host a successful National Abalone Convention.
2. To ensure the convention covers the main areas of concern to all abalone fisheries throughout Australia.
3. To maximise the transfer of information for the promotion of the most cost effective and efficient ways to deal with common issues.
4. To update the national strategic plan dealing with common issues facing Australian abalone fisheries.
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