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Shark depredation in Australian fisheries: understanding the scope of the issue and identify potential mitigation options

Project number: 2021-038
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $25,510.00
Principal Investigator: Toby P. Piddocke
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 5 May 2021 - 29 Mar 2023


Shark depredation of catches have been nationally acknowledged as an issue for all stakeholders – however, much of the information is anecdotal and there is a lack of clarity on where efforts need to be prioritised to find possible solutions.
In response, the FRDC will facilitate up to two national workshops to understand the scope of depredation and approaches to mitigate and manage this source of mortality.


1. Define key dimensions of the shark depredation issue in Australian fisheries (across all relevant sectors) in terms of (i) relevant characteristics of the shark species and populations involved, (ii) relevant traits of the fisheries involved, (iii) potential impacts of shark depredation, from economic, ecological, stock assessment, and social perspectives
2. Clearly identify and discuss potential mitigation options
3. Facilitate a national approach to collaborate cross-jurisdictional knowledge and efforts to define the scope of shark depredation in Australia and potential next steps


Author: Jonathan D. Mitchell
Report • 2022-08-10 • 806.52 KB
2021-038 Discussion paper for FRDC National Workshop on Shark Depredation.pdf


To guide the workshops, FRDC commissioned Dr Jonathan Mitchell (Qld DAF) to draft a discussion paper exploring key issues in Australian shark depredation research. Given that at least one substantial global review on shark depredation had been published recently (Mitchell et al. 2018; doi:10.1007/s11160-018-9528-z), an exhaustive survey of the literature was not sought. Rather the discussion paper was intended to situate insights from the global experience of shark depredation in the context of Australian fisheries.
Final Report • 2022-12-25 • 9.91 MB


At the request of the Australian Fisheries Management Forum and in response to increasing stakeholder concern, FRDC held a series of workshops to explore the issue of shark depredation in Australian fisheries addressing two areas:

  • Workshop 1: Developing a shared understanding of the nature and dimensions of the shark depredation issue, and

  • Workshop 2: Identification of possible mitigation measures and pathways towards their development or adoption.

This document provides a synopsis of discussions, presentations, and attendee comments collated from the shark depredation workshops facilitated by FRDC through May and June 2022.

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