10,533 results

Indices of recruitment and effective spawning for tiger prawns stocks in the Northern Prawn Fishery

Project number: 1995-014.80
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $4,106.00
Principal Investigator: Tony Kingston
Organisation: Fisheries Economics Research and Management Specialists (FERM)
Project start/end date: 2 Oct 2004 - 16 Dec 2004


1. The overall objective of this proposal is to improve the scientific advice to managers of the NPF by obtaining more accurate data on the relationship between the spawning stock and recruitment in the tiger prawn fishery. To achieve this we must:
2. a) define the areas of the tiger prawn fishery in the NPF that can be treated as independent stocks. (i.e. areas that respond mainly to local fishing effort and to changes in the local environment)
3. b) evaluate the use of catch per unit effort (CPUE) as an index of abundance
4. c) develop indices of spawning stock and recruitment for each of the above stocks
5. d) examine the relationship between spawning stock and recruitment in each of these areas.
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