299 results

Resource access and resource allocation - guidelines

Project number: 2011-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $48,700.32
Principal Investigator: Peter Neville
Organisation: PJ Neville and Associates
Project start/end date: 16 Dec 2010 - 31 May 2012


FRDC board is seeking guidance to the FRDC on the impddiments to optimising resource access and resource allocation in Australia; adn the RD&E issues inthe area requiring investment


1. To detail the principles underpinning resource access and resource allocation in the context of fisheries resource management
2. Prepare an overview of examples where resource allocation has occurred, detail the lessons learnt and challenges for implementation
3. To examine the legal and policy context, with particular reference to the different sectors (commercial, recreational, indigenous, charter)
4. To provide guidelines for best practice resource access and resource allocation management

Final report

Author: PJ Neville & Associates
Final Report • 2012-06-01 • 434.10 KB


Issues surrounding access to fisheries resources and their allocation among competing parties go back to early feudal times in England where the Magna Carta was thought to be responsible for establishing the common law principle of the public right to fish in tidal waters, with fish being deemed to be wild animals and not able to be owned until capture. This remains acknowledged today, being reinforced through statute and case law as the basis of the right for persons in the community to undertake recreational fishing.

In those days, and throughout relatively recent history, it was considered that the fisheries resources were inexhaustible and incapable of over-exploitation through excessive fishing pressure by commercial, recreational and indigenous members of the community. Therefore there was no need to define and implement rigorous access and allocation “rights” throughout the community. However, history has shown this is not the case with over-exploitation of the fisheries resources a very real possibility without proper management.

A critical aspect of that management is the description and determination of the rights of those in the community who wish to access the fisheries - either for take or no-take purposes - and the basis of, and processes for, allocating use of the fisheries resource among all those who seek to do so for a range of different reasons and needs.

As nobody can “own” the free swimming fish in the rivers and oceans (until they are captured), it falls to government to manage access and allocation through fisheries management arrangements. Also as the resource is actually finite, but the demands on it can exceed its capacity, the access and allocation issues become akin to “re-distributing wealth” and this is properly a function of government. This also explains why this issue raises such conflict and passion and always generates emotional debates among many members of the community.

This report focuses on the fisheries access and allocation issues as they relate to sharing of the resource primarily among the principal “taking” sectors i.e. commercial, recreational (and charter), indigenous, and to a degree, the aquaculture sectors, but with reference also to the “no take” groups e.g. sports fishing tag and release, groups interested in the existence value of fisheries and their protection. In this sense, it relates primarily to the administration of fisheries legislation and the determination of access and allocation issues under the ambit of the objectives of such legislation.

Of course, there are wider considerations throughout the community which have impacts on fisheries access and allocation issues e.g. the declaration of marine parks, development of port and marine infrastructure, oil and gas exploration and development, coastal land use, regional developments etc.; but these are the subject of a much broader community, economic, social and political discussion. While many of the principles and processes of resource allocation can be applicable across such situations, these broader considerations are not the focus of this report.

The Australian Fisheries Managers Forum (AFMF) has listed fisheries access and allocation as one of the top priority policy issues to be addressed and recently formed its own working group to further the development of more comprehensive and consistent approaches to this issue. With this in mind, the FRDC agreed at its Board meeting on 23 November 2010 to assist this work by forming a “research oriented” working group to examine possible approaches to access and allocation issues which would be of assistance to fisheries managers as they undertook their associated policy development around allocation matters.

Terms of Reference

The terms of reference of the FRDC working group were as  follows:

(i) work with AFMF to draft a report on the principles and guidelines for fisheries resource access and resource allocation;

(ii) provide guidance to the FRDC on the impediments to optimising fisheries resource access and allocation in Australia and the RD&E issues requiring investment.

To commence this activity, the Chair (Peter Neville) formed a Sub-Committee comprising the Chair, Dr Daryl McPhee, and Matt Barwick to prepare a preliminary research oriented paper for consideration by the AFMF. This work included a review of Australian and overseas case studies as  well as discussions with fisheries managers. This paper was subsequently adopted as a reference paper by the AFMF at its meeting of 10 May 2012 to be used by the AFMF working group. It also forms the basis of this report by the Sub-Committee to the FRDC Board.

Key Recommendations

1. The need to discuss fisheries "rights", "access" and "allocation" has only arisen as a consequence of the recognition that fisheries resources are not inexhaustible resources but are finite and able to be seriously depleted. These concepts have arisen because of the need to sustainably manage fisheries as a "common property" resource and to share its benefits among the community.

2. Fishing rights are the form of access provided by government in individual cases, while allocation describes the level of access in individual cases. Fishing rights do not provide "ownership" of any fish, but allow access to the fishery to engage in different acts of fishing. Progressively, it has become necessary to improve on fisheries management through, in part, describing and limiting access and allocation (and fishing rights) based on an understanding of the very different characteristics and needs of each individual fishery.

3. Governments, as managers of the fisheries on behalf of the community, have progressively determined the nature of access and allocations among the various competing sectors engaged in taking fish - commercial, recreational and indigenous fishers - as well as providing marine parks, reserves etc. as no-take sectors, as they have proclaimed various fisheries management arrangements.

4. Further, governments have required that such access and allocation arrangements must satisfy the objectives of respective fisheries legislation; typically, such legislation requires primarily the maintenance of the fisheries resource, as well as the fair and equitable sharing of access, and the maximisation of benefits to the community from the use of the resource. Thus, the multiple objectives to be met have ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions.

5. Because of the ever-changing pressures on the fisheries, and their widely different and changing characteristics themselves, there is continual pressure to re-assess the arrangements for their management and hence their access and allocation settings. The legislation however, does not prescribe specific allocation goals or outcomes across fisheries for the different sectors, nor the methodology to achieve re-allocations; rather these are to be determined by the differing fisheries management needs in each case, mindful of meeting the overall objectives of the legislation and the critical needs of management.

6. Thus, this is not primarily about stock conservation, which is largely a biological/ecological management issue, but about allocating a community resource among a range of potential users (and non-users) which is primarily a political/socio-economic issue - but always contained within a fisheries management framework. This will always involve government, in some form, as the key decision-maker in allocation issues.

7. For these reasons there is no single prescription for particular access and allocation outcomes across sectors, nor is there one methodology which would satisfy each case. Importantly, the costs and benefits of each alternative approach, along with a risk assessment, will significantly influence the outcome.

8. Before an allocation question can be addressed, the objectives behind the allocation must be clearly stated; and, as all fisheries legislation has multiple objectives, both quantifiable and non-quantifiable ones, the allocation framework must be cognisant of this complexity and deal with it in a transparent manner.

9. There are, however, some common principles and guidelines which should be followed in dealing with each circumstance; these are documented under the following headings of:

  • Natural Justice;
  • Governance;
  • Fisheries Legislation;
  • Fisheries Management.

10. Further, prior to proceeding with an access or allocation question, there are a number of pre-conditions which should be met which assist and guide the process to ensure that scarce funding and resources are not used unnecessarily in cases where it is not warranted, or where much simpler processes would suffice to address the question. These are:

(i) establish government objectives;

(ii) establish objectives of other participants;

(iii) establish the underlying nature of the issue;

(iv) apply a risk assessment analysis to the issue;

(v) establish the availability of data;

(vi) determine the nature of existing "rights;"

(vii) determine the need for a formal process.

11. The range of alternative allocation methods or models for use in resource re-allocation is outlined, together with the strengths and weaknesses of each model. The approaches come down to two broad alternatives - administrative models or market based models. Variations of an administrative model, with the government ultimately making the final decision in each case, have been the preferred approach around Australia and internationally to date. The range of models are:

  • Government Driven model;
  • Negotiation based model;
  • Administrative based model;
  • Statutory based model;
  • Market/Economic Evaluation based model.

12. A number of case studies are discussed involving both Australian and overseas examples of access and allocation decision-making frameworks. The administrative model, in one form or another is the predominant method used supported by various processes and analyses. Nowhere is there a freely operating market based system for inter-sectoral re-allocations across all sectors. The principal reasons for this are the lack of common "rights" across sectors and the lack of representative organisations, especially in the recreational/charter sectors, to be responsible for holding and dealing with collective rights for the sector.

13. It would possible, and even desirable in some circumstances, to construct a "rights" based market trading model for resource re-allocation. However, this would require a unique set of characteristics for the fishery (or part of the fishery), would have to be designed for each specific fishery, would have to be accompanied with stringent caveats on the extent of operation of the market, and be carefully assessed in terms of the costs and practicality of implementation and management compared with its benefits.

14. Similarly, the use of economic valuation models in their various forms to determine allocations have to overcome a number of complex measurement and interpretation issues and suffer from the perception of their inability to satisfy all of the legislative objectives set for fisheries management - namely those around equity and fairness and other social and cultural objectives.

15. There are a number of impediments to addressing access and allocation issues identified in the report; the major ones being:

  • Lack of clear policy statements from governments defining their preferred principles and processes;
  • Lack of the necessary data (and the high cost of collecting it) across sectors, particularly with the recreational and indigenous sectors; but in the case of economic and social data, this affects all sectors;
  • Lack of sophistication in, and application of, analytical methodologies to support consideration of alternative outcomes;
  • Lack of effective representative organisations which can act on behalf of the sectors in allocation discussions and their practical implementation;
  • Lack of research into specific rights based market trading possibilities in allocation questions.

Project products

Report • 2012-07-01 • 3.07 MB
2013-028 - Resource access and allocation July 2012.pdf


The Australian Fisheries Managers Forum (AFMF) has listed fisheries access and allocation as one of the top priority policy issues to be addressed and recently formed its own working group to further the development of more comprehensive and consistent approaches to this issue.
With this in mind, the FRDC agreed at its Board meeting on 23 November 2010 to assist this work by forming a “research oriented” working group to examine possible approaches to access and allocation issues which would be of assistance to fisheries managers as they undertook their associated policy development around allocation matters.
The terms of reference of the FRDC working group were as follows:
(i) work with AFMF to draft a report on the principles and guidelines for fisheries resource access and resource allocation;
(ii) provide guidance to the FRDC on the impediments to optimising fisheries resource access and allocation in Australia and the RD&E issues requiring investment.
To commence this activity, the Chair (Peter Neville) formed a Sub-Committee comprising the Chair, Dr Daryl McPhee, and Matt Barwick to prepare a preliminary research oriented paper for consideration by the AFMF. This work included a review of Australian and overseas case studies as well as discussions with fisheries managers.
This paper was subsequently adopted as a reference paper by the AFMF at its meeting of 10 May 2012 to be used by the AFMF working group. It also forms the basis of this report by the Sub-Committee to the FRDC Board.

Review of fishery resource access and allocation arrangements across Australian jurisdictions

Project number: 2017-122
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $106,640.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Knuckey
Organisation: Fishwell Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 24 Sep 2017 - 15 Apr 2018


In 2010, the Australian Fisheries Managers Forum (AFMF) listed fisheries access and allocation as one of the top priority policy issues to be addressed. Subsequently, FRDC formed a working group to examine possible approaches to access and allocation issues to assist fisheries managers as they undertook their associated policy development around allocation matters. They produced a report on the principles and guidelines for fisheries resource access and allocation, highlighting impediments to optimising fisheries resource access and allocation in Australia and the RD&E issues requiring investment.
Seven years on, there has been a lot of developments in this area in the various jurisdictions. To assist guide FRDC's future RD&E investment on these issues, the Board requested a review of the current state of fishery resouce access and allocation across the various jurisdictions.


1. Define the elements (i.e. units to which resource access is allocated) of access and allocation
2. Review available information and provide examples of allocation and access in Australian fisheries jurisdictions and other industries
3. Describe the tools available for access and allocation and how they are implemented in each jurisdiction
4. Identify jurisdictional gaps and differences and recommend potential tools / options to fill those gaps

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-6480172-2-6
Authors: Knuckey I Sen S and McShane P.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 1.11 MB


In 2010, the Australian Fisheries Managers Forum listed access and allocation as one of the top priority policy issues to be addressed in Australian fisheries. Subsequently, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) formed a working group to examine possible approaches to access and allocation issues to assist fisheries managers as they undertook their associated policy development around allocation matters. From this, a report on the principles and guidelines for fisheries resource access and allocation was produced (Neville 2012 - FRDC project 2011-215).

Quantification of resource allocation in the South Australian marine scale fishery

Project number: 1992-081
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $64,716.00
Principal Investigator: David McGlennon
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 26 Sep 1992 - 30 Jun 1994


1. To evaluate a new cost-effective method of surveying geographically large scale diverse inshore fisheries using small teams
2. To quantify spatial and temporal competition and resource allocation in the SA marine scalefish fishery

Quantification of resource allocation of the SA marine scalefish fishery

Project number: 1993-249
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $378,640.00
Principal Investigator: David McGlennon
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 22 Jan 1994 - 18 Mar 1997


1. To quantify spatially and temporally recreational catch and effort for species of common interest to the recreational and commercial sectors
2. To use the information gained in 1 to resolve conflicts and implement equitable and rational management strategies
3. To disseminate the technical requiremnets for undertaking large scale surveys using the bus-route methodology to other researchers

Socio-economic valuation of allocation options between recreational and commercial sectors

Project number: 2001-065
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $298,186.00
Principal Investigator: John Nicholls
Organisation: Data Analysis Australia (DAA)
Project start/end date: 24 Jul 2001 - 30 Aug 2004


This project will fulfill substantive and practical needs at both state and national levels:

1) Using existing socio-economic methodologies, the project will provide decision-makers with the results of socio-economic analyses of the benefits and costs of redistributing specific fisheries resources. Thus, the project will help to resolve potentially conflict-ridden allocation decisions by extending the State’s use of a consistent decision-making framework based on socio-economic information.

2) Using socio-economic analysis, the project will advance a consistent methodology and set of tools for rational and defensible fisheries management decisions.

3) By providing supporting information for Fisheries WA’s use of integrated coastal fisheries management (ICFM), the project will help to ensure the ESD of WA’s fisheries resources.

4) By virtue of (i) the types of case studies chosen and (ii) the use of recognized economic evaluation tools, the project will provide substantive guidance for other fisheries management agencies facing similar inter-sectoral ESD-related issues.


1. The benefit-cost analyses of fisheries facing intra- and inter-sectoral allocation issues will generate socio-economic data regarding the potential benefits and costs associated with reallocating within and amongst different stakeholder groups in several types of fisheries.
2. Specifically, the particular case studies will provide explicit assessments of the potential benefits and costs of reallocations in three fisheries. These particular fisheries are representative of ESD-related allocation issues in many of Australia’s fisheries:(i.) intersectoral allocation: the Cockburn Sound Crab fishery - a localized crab fishery in an area of increasing coastal residential and industrial development
(ii.) inter- and intra-sectoral allocation: the Perth Metropolitan abalone fishery - an abalone fishery in which the rapidly expanding recreational sector is quite spatially discrete from the commercial sector but harvests the same stocks
(iii.) inter- and intra-sectoral allocation: the ‘finfish’ fishery, including snapper and dhufish - a multispecies finfish fishery that is both used by commercial fishers as (i) part of a diversified portfolio and, increasingly, as (ii) a directed target fishery and used by recreational fishers as a directed species fishery of growing importance.

Final report

Author: John Nicholls
Final Report • 2004-10-21 • 2.56 MB


Because sustainable use of fisheries-related resources is finite, the sharing or allocation of these resources is inevitable. It is also clear that allocation decisions can be enormously contentious amongst different stakeholder groups, may be politically difficult, and are typically a significant drain on fisheries management agencies’ and stakeholder interests’ limited resources. Nonetheless, fisheries management agencies have an obligation to the public to understand impacts of allocating-and reallocating-fisheries resources so that the balancing act and the trade-offs that characterize fisheries management resource allocation decisions are more defensible and the Agencies and stakeholder interests are better placed to address the socio-economic outcomes within the decision making framework.

The research in this project is to present a benefit cost framework based on economic principles for evaluating resource allocation options, and, then, to apply the socio-economic valuation methodologies and techniques in three Western Australian case study fisheries. This is to test the robustness of the information derived from such analysis to aid the resolution of resource sharing issues between commercial and recreational stakeholders. The techniques used will be applicable elsewhere and the results, although specific to the three case study fisheries, will provide guidance for other State fisheries management agencies that inevitably face similar allocation situations.

This research provides further methodological development and empirical data by case studies extending the value of other FRDC-sponsored research regarding sector-specific socio-economic valuation (Hundloe, et al), and inter-sectoral equity issues relating to ESD.

Commercial development of the striped tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) resource in eastern Australian waters

Project number: 1977-033
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: HJ Heinz Company (Australia) Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1979 - 31 Dec 1979


1. Explore the possibility of harvesting & utilising the Eastern Australian striped tuna resource on a sound commercial basis

An economic framework for resolving resource use conflict in the fishing industry

Project number: 1988-050
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $11,483.00
Principal Investigator: Perry Smith
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) ABARES
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1990 - 30 Jun 2000


1. Establish a framework which can be used by fisheries managers to address resource conflict issues

Lever opportunities for aquatic marine resources in WA: benefit sharing, re-allocation and co-management in practise

Project number: 2016-113
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $273,240.00
Principal Investigator: Emily Ogier
Organisation: University of Tasmania
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2017 - 29 Jun 2020


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Sustainable fisheries management through enhanced access rights and resource security - a industry paper for presentation at Fishrights '99

Project number: 1999-161
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $24,400.00
Principal Investigator: Alistair McIlgorm
Organisation: South Australian Fishing Industry Council
Project start/end date: 22 May 1999 - 7 Sep 2000



The legal status of fishery access rights in each state needs clarified as they vary between little or no rights, to statutory rights. The law can supply clarification on the rights held in a licence. It would be useful to describe these issues for all of Australia in a review paper for the FAO Conference.

There have been no reviews of rights based fishery management in Australia of late. Industry often see enhanced access rights as being a security issue, with sustainable considerations following behind. Alternatively government and community groups see sustainability as the paramount concern, not sufficiently recognising industry security.

The fishing industry need a review of alternative rights based fishing systems which may accommodate their desires to be more autonomous and responsible for achieving sustainable fisheries management. Enhanced right regimes are not "shelf ready" and must be developed between government and fishers.International fishery rights developments will be examined to see what takes place in other countries compared to Australia.

COMMON ISSUES - Significant impediments to the further development of rights based fishery management in Australia will be identified. These are the challenges for all parties in the development of sustainable rights based fishery management.


1. Identification of the legal status of fishery rights in all states of Australia and review alternative forms of rights based management internationally.
2. A paper will be presented at the FAO Fishery Property Rights conference in Western Australia in November 1999, giving a review of legal and management/economic characteristics of current fishery property/access rights and resource security in Australia. SAFIC and ASIC have a place to speak at this forum.

Final report

ISBN: 0-957-72651-1
Author: Alistair McIlgorm
Final Report • 2000-05-28 • 326.90 KB


This project investigates fishing rights in Australia reviewing both legal and management aspects.

The implementation of limited entry in Australian fisheries in the 1970s and 1980s led to the development of new fisheries legislation. Since then, the perspective of the legislative framework has changed and broadened. In the 1990s, the critical challenge facing governments and the fishing industry has been how to strike a delicate balance between the public’s ownership of fisheries resources and the need for a more secure access rights.  Very often, the debate has been focused narrowly on the issue of property rights

The project reviews fisheries legislation in Australia to determine the extent to which the legislative framework recognises fisheries entitlements as property rights. It is argued that the issue for industry is not so much whether fisheries entitlements constitute property rights in the legal sense, but the extent to which the legislative framework enhances such rights.

The application for the project 99/161 amended a previous one which was in two parts. Part I was funded by FRDC to provide review papers of rights in the Australian scene for the Fish Rights'99 Conference in Western Australia, November, 1999.  Part II: was not included in current project.

Project products

Report • 1.65 MB
Fishing rights benchmarking project.pdf


This project has been developed from the desires of the fishing industry in South Australia to clarify and enhance their fishing access rights and resource security. Investment requires some degree of certainty and many developments taking place in the management of marine resources in South Australia may not assist the investment climate. The benchmarking of fishing rights also comes as a natural progression of the desire of fishers to be more involved in the development of the resource management practices in their industry.

The fishing industry wish to be assured of their current fishing rights and how they can move from this benchmark towards enhanced fishery management arrangements with greater rights as an incentive to stakeholders.

Tactical Research Fund: Defining a resource sharing option in a multi-sectoral fishery: using the Queensland Coral Reef Finfish Fishery as a test case

Project number: 2013-230
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $60,698.82
Principal Investigator: Andrew & Renae Tobin
Organisation: James Cook University (JCU)
Project start/end date: 30 Oct 2013 - 2 Nov 2014


The Management Plan for the Queensland Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery will be reviewed in 2012. At
the recent FRDC-funded workshop, fishery stakeholders agreed on a vision for the fishery as well as
the need for a collaborative resource sharing agreement. Finite coral reef fin fish resources are
accessed by multiple extractive user-groups (commercial, recreational, charter, indigenous fishers),
and are also of interest to conservation bodies, management agencies and the general public.
Currently the commercial CPUE of both major species are unstable (FRDC 2008/103), recreational
effort increases have occurred in some areas (GBRMPA, unpub data), growth in the charter sector
has some long-term participants concerned while data paucity for the indigenous sector needs
attention. In order to restore confidence in the social, economic and ecological sustainability of this
fishery, and ensure multi-stakeholder satisfaction, a resource sharing agreement needs to be defined.

The project will define a resource sharing agreement that will be presented to the Fisheries Minister
and his department for adoption. Stakeholders will also identify key areas of data deficiency and
workshop solutions for obtaining such.


1. Identify a resource sharing option for the Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9944984-5-8
Author: Andrew Tobin
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