Project number: 1995-095
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $65,967.00
Principal Investigator: Charlie Thorn
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 1995 - 30 Dec 1996


1. The production of fertilised eggs from wild fish
2. Production of fertilised eggs from captive fish
3. Larval rearing

Final report

Author: F.N. Pironet and G.I. Jenkins
Final Report • 1996-10-04 • 1.64 MB


By world standards Australia has not developed a significant marine finfish fanning industry. One of the principal constraints has been the absence of suitable technology for Australian species. This technology is currently being developed in a number of research facilities in temperate regions of Australia.

There are currently several companies intending to farm marine finfish in Western Australia. The species intended for culture (snapper and black bream) have medium level prospects for price and markets. An urgent need exists for the development of technology suitable to culture a high priced market driven species, such as the WA dhufish reported here, to support the endeavours of this fledgling industry.

Information was obtained during the course of this project for WA dhufish for fish capture, growth rates, fish health, egg production and larval requirements.

Keywords: fish culture; aquaculture development; aquaculture techniques; egg production; larval development; Glaucosoma hebraicum; WA dhufish; jewfish.

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