Project number: 1996-284
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $676,121.00
Principal Investigator: Edward C. Butler
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1996 - 31 Oct 2000


1. Determine the sources, distribution and cycling of nutrients (including those from fish farming) in the Huon River estuary, and relate nutrients and physical parameters to algal dynamics
2. Evaluate the processes (and their rates) that contribute organic matter to sediments from fish farming and natural sources
and the significance of this organic matter in the cycling of nutrients through the sediments
3. Determine the sedimentary distribution of organic matter around the fish cages that ensues from farm operation, and the time needed for degraded sediments to return to ambient conditions when cages are removed
4. Test the usefulness of different methods for monitoring the environmental quality of sediments and the water column to, (i) provide a scientific basis for the design of a monitoring framework for both industry and environmental managers, and (ii) give technical advice on optimising such a framework to address both localised impacts and general estuarine conditions

Final report

ISBN: 0-643-06225-4
Author: Edward Butler