Project number: 1998-223
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $178,918.00
Principal Investigator: Alan Butler
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1998 - 13 Nov 2000


FRDC has identified a critical need to obtain a stategic review of seagrasses and to develop an R&D plan to address seagrass-fisheries related issues. It has requested that CSIRO develop a proposal to address its needs. These include the need to:
· determine the status of Australian seagrass research and knowledge
· review of seagrass monitoring and assessment
· review of knowledge of links between seagrass and fisheries sustainability
· review knowledge on seagrass and fisheries management
· review information on seagrass remediation and restoration projects
. develop and R&D plan that includes key strategic areas, goals, priority research, a framework of how
agencies will link and to define the various leadership roles.


1. To review the status of Australian seagrasses with respect to the status of Australian seagrass research and knowledge.
2. To review the status of Australian seagrasses with respect to the status of seagrass monitoring and assessment.
3. To review the status of Australian seagrasses with respect to the status of knowledge of links between seagrass and fisheries sustainability.
4. To review the status of Australian seagrasses with respect to the status of knowledge of seagrass and fisheries management.
5. To review the status of Australian seagrasses with respect to the status of knowledge of remediation and restoration projects.
6. To develop an R&D plan that includes:. key strategic areas. goals . priority research. framework, how agencies will link e.g. EA, FRDC, State, etc. definition of leadership roles


ISBN: 0-643-06442-7
Author: Alan Butler Peter Jernakoff
Report • 1.11 MB
1998-223-Seagrass in Australia.pdf


The FRDC Seagrass Review follows the Corporation's Fisheries Habitat Review. It reflects a shift from viewing fished species or even fisheries habitats as separate, unconnected entities to viewing them as components of larger ecosystems, and it seeks to develop a comprehensive, ecosystem-based management.

Reviewers were asked to assess:

  • Gaps in existing knowledge of seagrass ecosystems
  • Knowledge of links between seagrass and fisheries
  • The state of the art in rehabilitation and restoration of damaged seagrass beds
  • Monitoring and assessment of seagrass
  • Seagrass and fisheries management

They were also asked to prepare a research and development plan to guide FRDC's future investment in the context of FRDC's Ecosystem Protection Program. The review will also guide FRDC's interaction with other agencies who have responsibilities in marine habitat management.

Each of the five areas listed above was reviewed by a separate team of three experts, who co-opted other experts as necessary. The five reports were edited, and the R&D plan drafted, by the principle investigators. The whole report was discussed with the steering committee and reviewed by four independent experts.

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