Project number: 1999-123
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $241,470.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Brown
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 11 Jul 1999 - 23 Sep 2004


A comprehensive age-validation exercise is needed to determine whether or not the existing ISAMP tailor age estimates are biased. If they are biased, adjustments could be applied to rectify the data and produce a more reliable mortality estimate.

If they prove to be unbiased, either the high Z value is correct, or older age-classes have been under-represented in the catch-at-age samples. In the latter case it would need to be demonstrated that the age composition of the ocean beach catch is different from that of the fully recruited sector of the entire population case, in order to rule out the possibility that the fishery is in a dangerous situation.


1. To validate the age interpretation of tailor otoliths and establish protocols for age and growth determination in this species.
2. To evaluate available evidence for size segregation of tailor stocks between offshore and inshore waters of southern Queensland.

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