Project number: 2001-300
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $24,125.00
Principal Investigator: Bob Lewis
Organisation: South Australian Fishing Industry Council
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2001 - 30 Jun 2003


The Strategy published in 1998 is recognised as a very useful document but one that now needs to be reviewed and articulated better. Currently, the plan specifies 10 broad research priorities for each of the 8 industry sectors. These priorities need to be more concise and better focussed to provide clearer indicators for funding of appropriate research. Consideration needs to be given to incorporating a Marine Environment R&D Strategy that conforms to the present initiatives in SA which are supervised by the Marine Managers Forum.

The document also needs to be more "outcomes" focussed and to specify performance indicators for its effectiveness.

The Strategy Document structure needs to be improved to present useful and comprehensible information to a broad range of stakeholders.

The website at ensures the wider spread of information and the ability to broadcast immediately updated information and advice. Its usefulness will be enhanced by comprehensive consultation guided by a Steering Committee, with input from a professional consultant.


1. To clearly articulate research priorities for development of South Australian fisheries and aquaculture within a sustainable framework.
2. To facilitate effective consultation and collaboration between all stakeholders during the identification, development and conduct of priority research projects.
3. To maintain a flexible format (hard copy and web-based) for cost-effective promulgation to all stakeholders of State Fisheries and Aquaculture research and development priorities.

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Mitigating threatened species bycatch in gillnet fisheries

1. Comprehensively test two novel mitigation devices (deterrents) to provide industry and managers with scientifically robust tested measures with the potential to be implemented throughout a wide variety of gillnet fisheries.
Charles Darwin University (CDU)