Project number: 2003-042
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $402,291.00
Principal Investigator: Marinelle Basson
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2003 - 30 Jun 2008


Significant process is being made with existing projects focusing on the Eastern Tuna and Billfish fisheries (ETBF), but the need to develop and test suites of stock indicators with associated reference points and decision rules for use by the FAGs for each fishery remains, particularly for the Southern and Western region (SWTBF). The need is also urgent, given the imminent introduction of TAE/TAC based management plans and the need to formally evaluate them on an annual basis.

Given the potential difficulties and limitations of using only CPUE as an indicator of stock status there is a need to also consider other indicators, e.g. ones which might reflect local depletion, an issue which is of real concern. Standardisation of such indicators also needs to be considered. Different indicators (e.g. CPUE or mean length in the catch) reflect different aspects of the population dynamics, and there is increasing recognition of the value of considering a suite of indicators rather than relying on a single one. There are currently only limited and relatively unsophisticated frameworks for combining information from several indicators. There is a need to develop this further, and to design defensible and robust frameworks to use in management decision-making. There is also a need to test the robustness of suites of indicators within the context of a feed-back management loop rather than simply in a non-feedback sense.

Although this work is needed for, and will focus on the management of the domestic fisheries, there is an international need for this research. Tunas and billfish harvested in the SWTBF form part of the Indian Ocean stocks which fall under the remit of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). The research proposed here was identified as a high priority task at recent IOTC Working party meetings.


1. Design a candidate set of potential stock status indicators (SSIs) which reflect a wide range of aspects of stock and fishery status, and develop appropriate standardisation procedures for the SSIs
2. Modify existing operating models to reflect fish population and fishery dynamics of each relevant case study with particular focus on stock structure uncertainty
3. Develop candidate frameworks and methodology for a management system based on a suite of indicators
4. Test the robustness of SSIs (individually and jointly in framework) relative to arbitrary 'trigger' or reference points without built-in decision rules
5. Develop meaningful reference points, in consultation with FAGs, and test best-performing SSIs with built-in decision rules
6. Provide Southern and Western Tuna MAC, Eastern Tuna MAC and AFMA with an evaluation of the robustness of alternative SSI's in the context of management strategies

Final report

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