Project number: 2007-013
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $161,461.50
Principal Investigator: Tor J. Hundloe
Organisation: WHAT
Project start/end date: 28 Aug 2007 - 30 Jun 2008


This has been covered in both the Background and Consultation. The benefits of including social science and economic information in fisheries management are not well recognised. The bringing together on one agenda – at the one time and one place – of the ecological, economic, and sociological aspects simply does not occur – with one or two notable exceptions.

One reason for this is that fisheries managers take the view that it is simply too difficult to do because of the lack of appropriate scale data and its application. On the other hand, fisheries managers know that what is missing is important.

Written-up in easy-to-read English, with informative illustrations, the proposed “How To Guide” will be an invaluable tool for to-day’s managers and source for the training of the next generation.


1. Provide a tool for today s fisheries managers
2. Provide a reference/text for the next generation of managers

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