Project number: 2008-734
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Paul Turner
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 17 Oct 2007 - 17 Oct 2010


This project fits squarely into two of the key strategies of the seafood CRC’s theme 2,
Strategy 1 - Traceability and product sensor technologies and,
Strategy 2 – Predicting and managing seafood shelf life

This project intends to work with CRC Participant seafood supply chains and key markets, however identifying which participant is still an ongoing task. Though initial contact has been made with the Tasmanian Abalone industry and the local research community the Sydney Fish market has also been visited (in an unannounced visit) for possible inclusion in this project.

The application is needed to enable better supply chain management of product quality and quality, by being able to identify products remotely (i.e. without the need for and problems of bar codes, scanners etc.) recognise potential quality problems (due to time and temperature), during product distribution, to assess the potential magnitude of those problems and to react to them in a timely manner to correct the problem or minimise its impact.

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