Project number: 2008-744
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: John Fielke
Organisation: University of South Australia
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2008 - 29 Sep 2011


The postdoctoral appointee will be located within the School of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (AME) at UniSA. The AME has a range of activities and expertise that will be of direct relevance to the postdoc position and the Seafood CRC.

AME has:-
- Recently launched a Master degree program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management for external delivery of the program.
- Need for industry based engineering projects for its final year mechanical engineering students and Masters by coursework students. Thus projects identified by the Seafood Productivity Engineer will be undertaken by final year students.
- A PhD research program which can tackle some very complex and long term engineering issues for the Seafood industry.
- Staff with expertise in energy reduction and efficient refrigeration for both storage and product transportation.
- Staff with expertise in robotics and machine vision for automation.
- Staff with interests in recycling and life cycle analysis.
- Extensive facilities for testing and evaluating equipment used in seafood processing, storage and transportation.
- A range of softwares for modelling of mechanical systems and technologies.
- Laboratory for product sorting, sizing and separation.
- Collaboration with engineers working in the seafood industry in Israel’s Agricultural Research Organisation.
- Track record of working with companies to develop solutions appropriate to the needs of industry.

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