Project number: 2008-751
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $3,550.00
Principal Investigator: Graham Dalton
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 8 Jul 2008 - 24 Jul 2008


The Business Plan is needed to define the priorities and allocate the financial and human resources available to the Asutralian Barramundi Farmers Association.
The previously developed Strategic plan listed a large number of important projects, but these now need to be prioritised after consideration of:
. available resources
. what is critical to industry development now
. what can be put off until more resources are avaialble
. what can or will be done elsewhere in the wider industry even if the ABFA does not allocate the resources.
The business plan will enable budgets to be set and industry development to be undertaken with a reasonable consideration of what is achievable.
Perhaps most importanlty for a management plan. this will identify what is not going to be attempted.
The industry and Association will be able to focus its efforts on what can be achieved. It will ensure resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.


1. The development of a business plan, agreed by the Association and key industry stakeholders, that identifies the key strategic priorities to be achieved in the next three years, allocates responsibilties for managing the plan and identifies the financial and other resources required.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-07-7
Author: Graham Dalton
Final Report • 2010-06-01 • 200.33 KB



The development of a business plan agreed by the ABFA and key stakeholders that identifies the key priorities to be achieved over the next three years, allocates responsibilities for managing the plan and identifies the financial and other resources required.

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