Project number: 2009-076
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $35,000.00
Principal Investigator: Matt Piasente
Organisation: Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)
Project start/end date: 7 Apr 2010 - 28 Feb 2011


The NPF MAC considered the NPF Individual Transferable Quota Cost Benefit Analysis report in July 2009. The report details higher onboard observer coverage requirements to provide adequate base level information to estimate discard rates during the transitional phase (2-3 years) of quota management. The MAC recommended to implement a 15% level of observer coverage for the first two years and requested AFMA to investigate the potential use of cameras to offset the increase in observer coverage and subsequent costs.

To accommodate this trial, AFMA is in a position to capitalise on the recourses available from the current onboard e-Monitoring pilot project (FRDC 09/048). Project staff and equipment can assist the development and undertaking of the proposed pilot in the NPF. For example, an AFMA owned e-Monitoring system recently upgraded to the latest operating software is available for use in this proposed trial. Data analysis software has been leased from Archipelago Marine Research for use by AFMA during the current e-Monitoring project. This software can also be utilised for data analysis requirements during the NPF trial.

As part of the ETBF e-Monitoring project, comprehensive evaluations and assessments are being undertaken to assess the costs and benefits of integrating an ongoing e-Monitoring program within AFMA. These assessments will provide the necessary data inputs and comparisons to aid and support cost-benefit analyses and service delivery evaluations for integrating an ongoing e-Monitoring program in the NPF.

Drivers for e-Monitoring include the desire to explore alternatives to current observer monitoring and synergies with the co-management initiative. The current co-management trial between AFMA and the NPF Industry Company will provide necessary support during the course of this trial. Additionally the adoption of electronic logbooks in the NPF will support the timely collection of logbook data to audit against e-Monitoring data during the trial.


1. To deploy an electronic monitoring system on one commercial fishing vessel in the NPF and maintain its continuous operation during the 2010 banana and tiger prawn seasons.
2. To evaluate the efficacy of electronic monitoring for assessing discards and a number of fishery monitoring issues.
3. To develop and evaluate an onboard discard procedure to estimate discard weight.
4. To develop an audit-based approach to electronic monitoring data analysis for evaluating fisher logbook data quality.
5. To undertake a cost benefit analysis of monitoring options and programs required to meet the fisheries data needs.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-57119-5
Author: Matthew Piasente

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