Project number: 2011-764
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Larry Lockshin
Organisation: University of South Australia
Project start/end date: 24 Oct 2011 - 29 Jul 2014


The previous relationship between Seafood CRC and EMBRI went wrong because the CRC was asking EMBRI to do things that had no relationship to their R&D interests. The relationship is now much better as a result of meetings with the new head of marketing where the CRC learned about what EMBRI prefers to investigate. EMBRI has an interst in the science of industry - wide marketing and has a high degree of expertise in this area as it relates to wine. The involvement of Tassal with the CRC and EMBRI is also a positive development.

The CRC needs professional input into all of our marketing projects. This input is needed at the early project develpoment phses, during execution and during reviews. We also need a capaifty to deliver professional marketing R&D if we are to gain significant interaction with supermarkets, large seafood wholesalers and large seafood producers such as Tassal that employ their own professional marketing staff.

As a way to cement a new realtionship with EMBRI it has been proposed that the Seafood CRC joins the institute as a Corporate Member.

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