Project number: 2011-772
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Gustaaf Hallegraeff
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2012 - 29 Mar 2014


Independent collectors have been collecting water samples within harvesting areas for over 10 years. These samples have been provided to SASQAP for testing and record keeping. The information is primarily used to identify the presence of and levels of toxic dinoflagellates in the water column, which may be filtered by oysters and then cause sickness (or worse) in humans if consumed. The presence of other phytoplankton is also monitored. The data has not been compiled, or studied to determine any correlations with weather patterns, growth / condition / health of oysters or unexplained mortalities.
This project is needed by the SA oyster industry, to understand the presence of phytoplanton (or lack thereof) with weather conditions or mortality events. This will then inform growers of best farming times, provide a predictive ability to put product in the water and give some certainty as to mortality events (if in fact presence or lack of dinoflagellates has an impact).

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