Project number: 2013-239.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $24,763.56
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 3 Mar 2014 - 31 Aug 2015


The perception of the seafood Industry is that, while many individual enterprises are successful and forward moving, on an Industry wide level there is a lack of creative thinking and platforms to express Ideas.
The thought processes within the seafood industry need to be fluid enough to evolve, adapt and deal with current and future issues.
By promoting discussion and enabling people to explore ideas and issues in a different context, not bound by existing thoughts and limitations, we can come up with new ideas, distinct solutions and fresh policy options for our industry.

Why is this needed:
• The seafood industry has a perception as being an ageing industry with a lack of fresh thinking.
• The industry faces complex challenges operating in a changing world that is mobile, connected and savvy. There is a need, not just to react to these changes, but rather lead and act in a proactive manner.
• Through the participation of attendees who are not currently part of the decision making processes within the industry, yet intrinsically linked to its evolution, as well as other leaders and influential people from different industries, new idea’s and innovative thought paths can be formed.

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