Project number: 2016-501
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $224,320.00
Principal Investigator: Andrew Ettingshausen
Organisation: Escape Productions Group
Project start/end date: 6 Oct 2016 - 27 Feb 2017


There is a range of seafood caught in Australia that is unknown and under appreciated by consumers across the country. There are two reasons for this. First consumers do not know about the species, and second they do not know what to do with them or how to best use them - despite a simple approach, such as pan fried or steamed being perfect for them. By telling a great story and providing terrific information. Everybody has to eat and our sustainable fishing message will convince more Aussies to eat seafood.

There is a clear need to provide the Australian public via mass communications, namely TV, the wide range of species that are available, where they come from and how to cook them.

The need is also highlighted in the FRDC RD&E Plan and Annual Operating Plan both highlight under Priority 2 a need to expand the number of under-utilised species that are utilised with a particular focus on increasing the profitably.

Annual Operating Plan 2016-17
2. Improved productivity and profitability of fishing and aquaculture. Key activities this financial year include:
• progressing the development of the Easy Open Oyster,
• building on the outputs and structures in post-harvest processing established by the Seafood CRC,
• expanding the number of underutilised to utilised species,
• further improving post-harvest waste utilisation,
• scope business opportunities for indigenous Australians and
• develop techniques to empower stakeholders to enhance habitats to improve productivity.

FRDC RD&E Plan 2015-20
National Priority 2 – Improved productivity and profitability
Aim: By 2020, delivery of RD&E for fishing and aquaculture to increase productivity and profitability consistent with economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Strategy: Invest in RD&E to understand the drivers of and impediments to productivity and profitability growth in all fishing and aquaculture sectors; research means of increasing sustainable production and profitability; link these to business education; encompass the needs of Indigenous communities.
Priority area activities: RD&E that demonstrates how to use underutilised and undervalued species sustainably and more profitably


1. To raise community awareness of six under-appreciated commercial species
2. To raise the profile and educate the community about the practices used by commercial fishermen

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