Project number: 2016-503
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $79,199.54
Principal Investigator: Matthew Blyth
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2016 - 29 Jun 2017


This activity has been discussed at two Annual General Meetings as an area that needs to be undertaken. Significant discussion has occurred at both meetings on this project. The ABFA is trying to differentiate Australian produced fish from the large volumes of imported barramundi coming in. The aim is to show the positives of our product and the people who produce it.

A key component will be through the development of short video story and photos to show the Australian industry and link in with our clean, green, sustainable, quality Australian produce. The videos produced aim to provide solid documentation of the work being done to produce prawns and Barramundi. The project outputs will tie in and support the ABFA and APFA marketing which aims to are going for the heart of consumers first and would look to link with and

The APFA have similar aspirations, highlighting the need to document and showcase the processes and farming practices that shows how this underpins the Australian industry's clean, green, sustainable, quality Australian produce.


1. To document, via video and photographs, the operations and practices of prawn and Barramundi farming operations across Australia

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