Project number: 2018-140
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $70,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jo-Anne Ruscoe
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2018 - 30 Jul 2020


A quality framework that builds the customer base, supports market differentiation, and industry profitability has been a long-term priority for the ABFA. While a good start has been made with the current ABFA certification program, it has its limitations in terms of acceptance, reach, and alignment with other schemes. Producers are wanting to support the ABFA scheme for its potential to differentiate Australian barramundi, but currently, they are also having to secure BAP certification to secure markets.

Industry quality standards for farmed Australian Barramundi need to be enhanced and implemented and promoted to markets.

The ABFA, Mainstream Aquaculture, and Pejo Holdings have formed a consortium and secured funds through Food Innovation Australia (FIAL) to undertake a large two part project to:

1. Enhance consumer traits through breeding – Mainstream Aquaculture confidential component
2. Enhance and implement quality standards for farmed Australian Barramundi.

It is the second part of the project that this application for IPA funds is concerned with.
To undertake this work, the consortium has committed $290,000 (including $40,000 from ABFA, $70,000 from Pejo and $180,000 from Mainstream); and now seeks $70,000 of industry funds held in the IPA. FIAL has approved funding of $360,000 contingent on matched industry funds to bring the total project budget to $720,000.


1. Industry quality standards for farmed Australian Barramundi are to be enhanced and implemented

Final report

Author: Jo-Anne Ruscoe
Final Report • 2022-07-01 • 358.69 KB


The Australian Barramundi Farmers’ Association (ABFA) supports its members to strive to differentiate Australian farmed Barramundi on quality, safety, and sustainability. A critical aspect in building market share and securing premium price is assuring buyers and consumers that every meal of Australian farmed Barramundi meets their high expectations for quality. To deliver on this promise, the ABFA made the decision to build upon our eco-certification framework to address minimum standards for quality.
In 2018, the ABFA embarked on a program of work, in part supported by this project, to develop and trial industry quality standards for farmed Australian Barramundi, and assess capacity to assure supply chain integrity and provenance claims.

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