Project number: 2019-154
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $6,500.00
Principal Investigator: Sam Stone
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 2 Feb 2020 - 29 Apr 2020


Co-management is an arrangement whereby responsibilities and obligations for sustainable fisheries management are negotiated, shared and delegated at appropriate levels between government, recreational fishers, Aboriginal traditional fishers, the commercial fishing industry and other key stakeholders such as conservation groups (Neville 2008).

The Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council (MRFAC) was formed to improve dialogue and communication between recreational fishers and Government. The primary role of the MRFAC is to provide feedback and advice to government on recreational fishing development issues, initiatives and policies that impact the recreational fishing sector. The MRFAC strives to pursue opportunities to improve the co-management arrangements for the recreational fishery.

In 2010/11 an engagement project was undertaken by PIRSA to better understand what recreational fishing means to people and what future they want for their sector. Discussions generated consistent themes and issues of concern to recreational fishers, including sustainable fishing, ongoing access, funding and leadership, governance, education and promotion of the sector.

The outputs from this project identified opportunities for incorporating 'grass roots' input from the recreational sector into fisheries management processes in South Australia (Rowling et al. in prep) must include public consultation opportunities and participation in (1) technical working groups; (2) regional recreational committees; & (3) community forums.

This project aims to enhance these jurisdictional-based opportunities by increasing national-level capacity building opportunities for members of the South Australian community. In addition to the personal development aspect, the ability to create connections and links to the recreational community leaders from other states and territories will be invaluable to the future stewarding of the South Australian Recreational Fishing community.


1. To ensure increased participation of South Australian Recreational community members in national Recreational forums
2. Increased provision of pathways and opportunities to assist in better representing the Recreational community on both a state and national level.
3. Increased education and knowledge building opportunities for individual members of the South Australian and Australian Recreational Fishing Community
4. Increased capacity building opportunity for members of the South Australian Recreational Community
5. Support in increasing attendance and networking opportunities for the recreational community across states and territories with a view to increase linkages and information sharing nation-wide

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