Project number: 2019-206
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $17,147.50
Principal Investigator: Olivia M. Liu
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 11 Mar 2020 - 26 Mar 2020


Similar to the development process of the previous plans, an industry-government workshop is proposed to be held in late 2020 to consider the review’s findings and consult industry and governments on priority issues to be included in the 4th AQUAPLAN. The workshop would be organised and supported primarily by APHP staff, in conjunction with FRDC, and funding is required to hold the workshop in a venue that maximises attendance from key stakeholders (i.e. in a convenient location). The workshop will be held 18-19 March 2020 and planning will need to begin as soon as possible.
Workshop participants would include representatives from industry (including wild catch, aquaculture and ornamental fish sectors), Commonwealth and state and territory governments, and other government and non-government agencies (e.g. CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and Animal Health Australia).


1. To host an industry-government workshop to consider the findings and recommendations of the AQUAPLAN 2014-2019 Review and consult on the priority issues to be included in the 4th National Strategic Plan for Aquatic Animal Health.

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