Project number: 2021-081
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $40,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jane Gallichan
Organisation: Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing Inc (TARFish)
Project start/end date: 16 Jan 2022 - 29 Jun 2022


The Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing Inc. (TARFish) has identified that its current form and mode of operation is uncertain and not sustainable in the long term and, most importantly, is not sufficiently meeting the needs of recreational fishers in Tasmania.

TARFish proposes to undertake an investigation into current successful recreational fishing peak body models that identifies; the success factors, benefits and risks, together with how it was achieved, over what time frame and potential future growth or evolution pathways planned by each organisation.

Specifically, the investigation proposes to examine RecFish West (Western Australia), VR Fish (Victoria) and AFANT (Northern Territory). Each organisation is distinct in terms of the combination of;
1. Organisational structure, governance and length of operation (maturity)
2. Advocacy and lobbying approach and outcomes
3. Program and service delivery, including partnerships
4. Membership value, types and quantum
5. Funding source, security and quantum,
6. Relationships with key stakeholders and State Government
7. Community perception of organisation
8. Consideration of how each body determines the priorities and research and development needs of recreational fishers
The investigation will distil relevant insights for each jurisdiction and provide recommendations on preferred model(s) to work towards in the context of TARFish’s current state and future aspirations.

The project is of interest to the Tasmanian Government and they will provide some financial support to the project.

It is expected that there will be strong interest in this investigation from other jurisdictions who are in a similar position to TARFish including but not limited to – South Australia, Queensland and News South Wales as well as the national peak body ARFF.

Further, the research is likely to assist governments to understand potential alternative arrangements (SLA’s, funding, program delivery etc) with peak bodies that lead to improved outcomes for recreational fishers.


1. Identify the combination of organisational and external/other factors that lead to the success of the specific model under investigation (x3 models to be investigated)
2. Identify organisational and external risks that may act as a barrier to successful models of operation, where possible, identify methods used to overcome barrier or reduce risks
3. Identify pathway (milestones) and critical success factors when moving from one model of operation to another including length of time and cost to implement
4. Understanding the role that funding source, quantum and security has on model selection/evolution and what came first (funding or model)
5. Consider how each body determines the strategic needs and research and development priorities for recreational fishers

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-88078-5
Author: Jane Gallichan
Final Report • 2024-06-20 • 862.71 KB


In 2021, the Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing (TARFish) identified the need to improve its capacity and capability to better meet the needs of recreational fishers in Tasmania. To support organisational renewal, TARFish sought to understand the traits and/or conditions that contribute to a successful recreational peak body to better meet the needs of Tasmania's recreational fishers by reviewing the operational model of RecFishWest, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body, and the Amateur Fishermen's Association of the Northern Territory.
The reviewed focused on various aspects such as governance, advocacy, program and service delivery, membership, funding, relationship with the state government, community perception, and research needs. The investigation used a combination of desktop research, literature review and interviews with peak body CEO’s, government personnel and other stakeholders to identify insights and from that provide recommendations on preferred model(s) to work towards in the context of TARFish’s current state and future aspirations.

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