Project number: 2021-124
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $426,082.00
Principal Investigator: Andrew Rowland
Organisation: Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2022 - 29 Sep 2025


There is an opportunity to create a new partnership with the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) to aggregate information from a regional and jurisdictional level to a national forum with the view to provide advise the FRDC in prioritising strategic and tactical investments in RD&E to deliver positive outcomes for the Australian recreational sector.
An ARFF – FRDC partnership could be extend beyond simply prioritisation, to include establishing opportunities for effective and targeted extension and adoption of R&D outputs to effect cultural and behavioural changes within recreational sector beneficiaries.
A properly resourced and coordinated collaboration may also identify opportunities for co-investment with traditional and non-traditional sources, particularly those linked to the ARFF network.
This proposal looks to formalise a partnership between the recreational fishing sector and the FRDC and outlines the structure, function, resourcing and phases of that partnership model.
The effective delivery of this partnership model will in turn derive benefits to the recreational sector, its supporters, the broader Australian community, and the FRDC through the delivery of the R&D Plan 2020-2025.


1. Proactively work with the recreational fishing community and key partners to identify and coordinate national and regional RD&E priorities, and assist to develop scopes to address those priorities
2. Inform FRDC and stakeholders of the shifting landscape and capability, and emerging needs of the Australian (and international) recreational sector relevant to the FRDC's R&D Plan 2022-2025
3. Ensure quality and relevance of R&D investments undertaken by the FRDC to the recreational sector through technical and extension advice and support for FRDC management and project teams
4. Support extension and adoption of R&D in those areas relevant to the Australian recreational sector, and aligning to FRDC’s R&D Plan 2020-25, with an aspiration to enhance behaviour change, as well as capacity and capability in the sector
5. Support management of external national and international partnerships delivering recreational R&D across FRDC
6. Facilitate co-investment in RD&E which benefits the recreational fishing community nationally, and aligns to the FRDC’s R&D Plan 2020-25, to assist in its delivery

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