Project number: 2013-401
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $149,999.20
Principal Investigator: Matt Barwick
Organisation: Greenfish Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Feb 2013 - 31 Aug 2014


Participants at a national workshop on recreational fishing in 2005 identified a need for increased investment in RD&E addressing national priorities for the recreational sector, and maximisation of benefits flowing from that investment. Recfishing Research was established to address this need.

Since then Recfishing Research has provided leadership in identifying and dealing with relevant national RD&E priorities, and communicating results to end-users. Achievements to date include:

-maintaining and communicating an annual business plan articulating national priorities for the recreational sector;
-delivering workshops and conferences to develop consensus on priorities for specific issues;
-guiding the development and delivery of projects responding to national priorities (e.g. improvement of fisheries statistics, understanding sector value, projects under the Recreational Fishing Industry Development Strategy);
-development and distribution of extension products (articles, websites, podcasts, brochures etc) to increase awareness of R&D findings.

And there is still much to do. Delegates at the National Recreational Fishing Conference in 2012 reaffirmed the need to deal with national issues including confirming social/economic benefits associated with fishing, improving sectoral leadership capacity, and greater collaboration to communicate the needs of the recreational sector to external parties. The need to enhance fishing outcomes through improved fish habitat was also recognised, as was the challenge of developing an agreed method for funding these and other national priorities for the sector. RD&E aspects associated with the above-mentioned issues, and other national priorities identified by the sector will be progressed in this project. Opportunities for evolution in the delivery of Recfishing Research's functions will also be explored to maximise benefit to the recreational sector and other key stakeholders.


1. Increase investment in RD&E activities which address national priorities identified by the recreational fishing sector, through recognition of a sectorally supported GVP equivalent for the recreational sector.
2. Promote increased funding to FRDC on behalf of the recreational sector.
3. Increase industry co-investment and collaboration in recreational RD&E at a national level
4. Proactively work with industry and researchers in the identification of national RD&E priorities, and the development of projects to address those priorities.
5. Be a driver for the extension of research and development results to facilitate adoption.
6. Assist FRDC with management of their portfolio of projects which provide significant flow of benefit to the recreational fishing sector.
7. Undertake a consultative review of Recfishing Research's objectives, processes, functions, outputs and composition to facilitate continual improvement in performance of the role of this body.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-93655-0
Author: Matt Barwick
Final Report • 2015-05-22 • 14.41 MB


Recfishing Research is a Subprogram of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, established  in  2005  to  help  increase  return  on  investment  delivered  from  Research,  Development & Extension (RD&E) activities that benefit the recreational fishing community at a national  or  multi-­‐jurisdictional  scale.  The  Subprogram  does  this  by  facilitating  the  planning,  management  and  extension  of  RD&E  initiatives  at  a  national  and  multi-­‐jurisdictional  scale. Recfishing  Research  is  funded  through  discrete  project  contracts  awarded  by  the  Fisheries  Research and Development Corporation, and this report summarises progress achieved through delivery of project (2013-401).


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