Project number: 2008-726
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Scott Parkinson
Organisation: Shellfish Culture Ltd
Project start/end date: 1 Apr 2008 - 14 Oct 2008


Dr Boudry is a world leading expert on Oyster genetics and this subject is the number one priority of the Oyster Consortium. Opportunities to expand on collaboration with the French Oyster industry (largest of its type in EU) will be discussed. This will be taking the current Oyster genetic program a step further incorporating international expertise and forming links for collaboration.
In addition as Seafood CRC Visiting Fellow the Seafood CRC are investing in this visit to spread knowledge and encourage discussion regarding collaboration by enabling those present at AA08 to hear, learn and inwardly digest information.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-04-6
Author: Pierre Boudry and Helen McCombie
Final Report • 2008-06-06 • 425.18 KB


This visiting expert grant allowed exposure of two European mollusc researchers, Dr Pierre Boudry and Dr Helen McCombie, to the Australian shellfish industry, in particular the oyster industry.

Information and advice were passed directly on to Australian researchers and farmers in regards to lessons learnt in Europe, especially those as a result of the 2008 oyster mortality crisis. Positive feedback was received from both Dr Boudry and Dr McCombie in terms of management of the farms and the close links between research and industry that were observed in this field.

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