Project number: 2017-137
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $154,186.00
Principal Investigator: Matt H. Taylor
Organisation: Western Rock Lobster Council Inc (WRLC)
Project start/end date: 9 Nov 2017 - 29 Jun 2021


The Western Rock Lobster Council's Strategic Plan 2017-2021 identifies the need to have a far greater understanding of markets in order to achieve at least one of its Objectives: VIZ: "The WRL industry is professionally managed to sustain its economic contribution to the WA economy." The stated Strategy to achieve the Objective is to:- "Collaborate and invest in targeted research for future resource security", of which one of the priority tactics is to:- "Invest in improving understanding and analysis of market, trade and industry data, broader trends and impacts for the WRL industry."

There is a clear understanding by the industry that it needs to have market intelligence if it is to remain economically sustainable, reduce its risk and improve overall income and profitability. Rock lobster export data from the FRDC trade database (from figures supplied by AQIS (Biosecurity Australia)) shows that over 90% of WRL exports are sent to Viet Nam, worth $396million to December 2016 with just $3million of exports to China and $15million of exports to Hong Kong. We know that the Vietnamese data figures almost entirely end up as Chinese consumption, but the exact final destination for the mass of lobster is largely unknown beyond the importer and some wholesalers. Data privately collected by exporters is generally unavailable to industry, or produced in a form that prevents in-depth analysis of the potential for expansion. This data will be sought in the project, but the project needs to make provision for independent collection and certainly of verification of such data.

The information gathered from this project will be for the WRLC. Through this project the WRLC will provide industry and members with market information including current trends in as close to real time as possible. The WRLC will take on responsibility and create a market dashboard to better inform its members. The WRLC can also provide information from this project to the TACC Subcommittee in order for the subcommittee to provide evidence-based advice on future TACC settings for the rock lobster commercial sectors.


1. Analyse current data on the production, export and markets for WRL and competitor products.
2. Conduct in-country surveys to determine the final destinations for Western Rock Lobster
3. Create comprehensive market dashboard for the Western Rock Lobster industry.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-6488948-1-0
Authors: Matt Taylor Chris Price and Daniel Fels
Final Report • 2020-11-01 • 333.13 KB


This report outlines work completed by the Western Rock Lobster (WRL) Council. Data has been gathered from a number of sources (across several general  categories of market information (e.g. production, trade, prices, economic activity) to create a comprehensive and continuously updated collection of reliable datasets which are a baseline for current and future effort to enhance market development including  assessment of current and potential markets.
The objective was to analyse available data on the production, export and markets for WRL and competitor products to ensure that the WRL industry has sufficient market intelligence to remain economically sustainable, reduce risk and improve overall income and profitability.
The deliverables of this project include a comprehensive collection of reliable datasets, which are available for interrogation, to support effective decision-making by the WRL Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) Committee and Board. The intended outcome is a more informed industry, with a particular focus on those involved in making TACC recommendations.

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Western Rock Lobster Council Inc (WRLC)