FISH VOL 21 4 Back to FISH magazine
PUBLISHED 1 Dec 2013

FISH is the official newsletter of the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation. It is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. The hard copy version is distributed widely throughout the industry via direct mail. To obtain a hard copy of "FISH", please fill in your details on the FRDC subscribe form towards the footer of this page. Information may be reproduced freely as long as it is not for commercial benefit and FRDC's FISH © is acknowledged as the source. Otherwise, reproduction is forbidden without written prior permission of FRDC. FRDC is always happy to receive feedback and story suggestions. Please send these to the Communications Team.

In this issue

Flow-on effects

It is easy to see how changes in river flows affect trees and waterbirds, but researcher Alison King has taken on the greater challenge of identifying the effects of a river’s fish...


Bass anglers take up habitat cause

Recreational fishers are helping to revegetate river banks with native plants and improve fish passage along their favourite riverine reaches By Alexandra...


Biosecurity ‘seatbelt’ for salmon producers

Huon Aquaculture’s ‘all-in’ approach to biosecurity has earned the company national recognition By Lynda Delacey


Fishing for the past

To put contemporary fishing trends into a longer-term context, researchers are mining the memories of Queensland fishers and trawling through 140 years of historical records


Seafood CRC begins rebid campaign

By Emily Mantilla


Seafood expansion on Colbeck’s agenda

At the top of the new Australian Government’s ‘to do’ list is wider recognition of the good work it is doing in the area of fisheries management, and improving engagement between industry and the...


Students shaping the future

New information about the age and growth rates of Wahoo in the Coral Sea was the subject of the winning student presentation at the Australian Marine Sciences Association’s (AMSA) annual...


Direct engagement

The seafood industry’s national conference focused on the importance of connecting with consumers and markets in Australia and abroad to tell the industry story


Fruits of the sea


Gascoyne leads WA's sustainability gap analysis

By Rose Yeoman


The darker side of exotic ornamental fish

Millions of beautiful ornamental fish are imported each year and, despite strict quarantine measures, some might be also importing diseases that threaten domestic fish species and...


Scampi example prompts live prawn review

By Catherine Norwood


FRDC expands its role


A new take at Fish Face

By Catherine Norwood


Cooperative course for rocklobster industry

Stock assessments, new technology, biotoxin warnings and international marketing were all on the agenda for rocklobster industry participants attending the 8th Rock Lobster Congress in Sydney in...


Kingfish star is rising

A commitment to research has helped Clean Seas overcome developmental setbacks on the path improving Yellowtail Kingfish production


National awards honour industry leaders

Professional excellence, innovation and a commitment to sustainable fisheries were among the attributes of those recognised with national industry awards By Clarisa...


Humble sardine gets a makeover

Careful preparation and a passion for the product have been crucial in the development of new markets for an old-fashioned favourite By Australian Seafood Cooperative Research...


Netting new leadership skills

By Rebecca Jennings Two weeks roughing it in the Kimberley was a world away from their roles in the fishing industry, but it laid the foundations for a journey Katherine...