Project number: 2001-064
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $124,998.00
Principal Investigator: Ben Fraser
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 23 Jul 2001 - 15 Dec 2004


There are currently no specific management arrangements in place for the traditional, subsistence or contemporary economic use of fish resources by Aboriginal people in Western Australia. There is a need to include these uses into Western Australia’s fisheries management framework to ensure long term sustainability objectives will be met.

The Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (the Act) applies to Aboriginal people with the exception that they do not have to hold a recreational fishing licence. The Act does not specifically recognize customary, communal or subsistence fishing activities. There is a need for the Act to be consistent with the Native Title Act 1993 (which allows for personal, domestic or non-commercial communal needs) and to include Aboriginal fishing more specifically in order to provide the basis for effective policy and management arrangements.

There is a need to research and develop, in partnership with stakeholders, options for public discussion that will lead to the development of policy guidelines and legislative amendments relating to Aboriginal fishing in Western Australia.

Fisheries WA is also included in State Government strategies to assist Aboriginal economic development from the sustainable use of fish resources.


1. To develop and document strategies for:(i) the accommodation of customary and subsistence fishing practices within a framework of planned sustainable use of fish and fish habitat
and(ii) greater involvement of Aboriginal people in the fisheries sector, including commercial fishing, aquaculture, the aquatic charter industry, and fisheries management
consistent with Fisheries WA’s statutory obligations to conserve, develop and share the fish resources of the State for the benefit of present and future generations.

Final report

ISBN: 1-877098-62-0
Author: Ben Fraser
Final Report • 2009-08-18 • 964.69 KB


The Western Australian Aboriginal Fishing Strategy (the “strategy”) was developed following a three-year consultative process overseen by former Western Australian Supreme Court Judge, the Hon E M Franklyn QC. Formulation of the draft strategy was assisted by a working group, which included representatives of Aboriginal interests, the fishing sector, conservation interests and government. 

The strategy provides recommendations to the Western Australian Government, focusing on three areas - recognition and inclusion of customary fishing in fisheries legislation; inclusion of Aboriginal people in the management of fish resources; and, promotion of economic development opportunities for Aboriginal people in the fishing, aquatic eco-tourism and aquaculture industries.

The strategy was developed in response to growing needs to recognise and include customary fishing rights and interests in a sustainable fisheries management framework. 

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