Project number: 2012-756
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $110,520.34
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Blair
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2012 - 29 Jun 2014


The Seafood CRC has made considerable investment in a diverse range of aquaculture production projects. The research has been prioritised and driven by industry needs, and it is critical to ensure the research outputs are communicated to industry. This is particularly the case where projects may be largely focussed on one species or one industry sector, yet have broader relevance and application among Seafood CRC participants. Selected key extension activities for the ‘Finfish’ and ‘Breeding for Profit’ Themes of the SfCRC Production Innovation Program have been built into this project.


1. Improve communication and increase collaboration among aquaculture producers and researchers
2. Delivery of key extension activities for the ‘Finfish’ and ‘Breeding for Profit’ Themes of the SfCRC Production Innovation Program
3. Develop a plan for continuation of successful communication activities beyond the life of the Seafood CRC

Final report

ISBN: Jennifer Cobcroft
Author: Jennifer Cobcroft
Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 4.27 MB


This project was a continuation of the Aquaculture Innovation Hub (Project 2008/902). The Phase II Hub focussed on research extension activities in the finfish, crustacean and shellfish sectors and on increasing trans-Tasman communications among aquaculture producers and researchers.

The Phase II Hub conducted four workshops for national and international participants to communicate recent research findings and technology developments for marine hatcheries, enhance understanding of community engagement and discuss aquaculture spatial planning processes. Novel communication platforms were trialled with two editions of the What’s Hatching talking news and a webinar on social acceptability of the fishing industry and aquaculture.

The Hub supported technical exchanges for two shellfish industry representatives to improve understanding of hatchery operations and improved hatchery management practices in water treatment and larval feeds have been applied in shellfish, crustaceans and finfish as a result of Hub activities. New Zealand and Australian researchers and industry have refined approaches to understanding the social acceptance of aquaculture and community engagement through the trans-Tasman workshops and the network of aquaculture producers, research and regulators has been strengthened.

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