Project number: 1994-067
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $279,545.00
Principal Investigator: Geoff Gooley
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 17 Sep 1994 - 26 Mar 2000


1. To characterise and qualitatively assess A. australis glass eel migration into coastal catchments of southern NSW, Victoria and Tasmania for the purpose of investigating potential for commercial exploitation of glass eels on an ecologically sustainable basis.
2. To adapt intensive/semi-intensive, pond/tank culture technology for the purpose of enhancing survival and viability of translocated juvenile eels, including glass eels, to be used in restocking/extensive production and/or intensive production to market size.

Final report

ISBN: 0731143787
Author: Geoff Gooley
Final Report • 1999-10-08 • 3.59 MB


In the face of declining world production of freshwater, anguillid eels, together with largely unsatisfied export market demand for such eels and eel produce, a commercial premium is being placed on the development of intensive eel culture technology and the associated utilisation of glass eel seedstock. For the purposes of this study it is assumed that any significant increase in Australian shortfin eel production over current levels will primarily occur with the adoption of intensive aquaculture practices based on the sustainable use of wild glass eel seedstock. Based on this rationale, the need for the present study is succinctly summarised as:

1. Glass eel assessment

  • Do we have an accessible shortfin glass eel resource in Australia, and, if so,
  • Where, when and how can we efficiently and effectively harvest glass eels sustainably?

2. Glass eel culture

  • Can we commercially culture shortfin glass eels in Australia, and if so,
  • Where, when and how can this best be done in an economically viable way?

Keywords:  Australia, Anguilla, glass eels, assessment, aquaculture

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