Project number: 2016-401
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $113,635.00
Principal Investigator: Jill Briggs
Organisation: Affectus Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 May 2016 - 28 Dec 2017


There are considerable leadership capacity building opportunities throughout the Australian seafood industry and community however it must be noted that these opportunities are delivered in a manner that may be perceived as difficult to access and focused on national issues. Considering this the VICFRAB has identified a need. The need is that within the Victoria seafood industry research, industry consultation and a the provision of a pilot leadership learning opportunity targeting young people across the state, from those already working in the commercial fishing and aquaculture industries to those who have completed a university degree should be developed and delivered.

This project will address strategic directions outlined in the Seafood Industry Victoria (SIV) Strategic Plan with the focus people and leadership. SIV has 8 objectives, centered on the themes of leadership and innovation, member service, business growth, people, fiscal responsibility and operational issues.

The project will also respond to Fisheries Victoria Victorian Aquaculture Strategy Action Plan that outlines the importance of capacity building and communication opportunities. Also throughout the Victoria Fisheries management plans for the commercial fisheries consultation and representation are mentioned which requires industry people to have the skills to lead the industry during both forms of engagement.


1. To establish the leadership skills gap for the commercial and aquaculture sectors of the Victoria seafood industry
2. To develop a leadership program for two regional locations and address the skills gap
3. To deliver the two regional leadership programs
4. To support the program participants in the above programs
5. To create strong network and leadership succession opportunities for the Victoria seafood commercial and aquaculture sectors
6. To develop and deliver a project evaluation process at the conclusion of the project

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9872781-5-9
Author: Jill Briggs
Final Report • 2018-10-01 • 1.43 MB


Catch the Drift (CTD)was successfully completed in October 2018 with the completion of the stakeholder survey. The project delivered three CTD programs within the scheduled timeframe, meeting the expected requested participant numbers.
Additionally, due to the success of the first two regional programs and in response to a request from the Victorian seafood community, a third leadership program was delivered. Forty-five (45) individuals registered for the three programs which met the funders expectations from across a number of sectors. Of the 45 participants, 29 were men and 16 women. There was also diversity in the ages and cultures represented.
The CTD participants are well placed to ensure positive change occurs for industry and are all poised to take on new opportunities. Program evaluation found that the participants and stakeholders consulted identified that the CTD achieved strong outcomes for participants and already there is evidence that the industry is being rewarded with positive outcomes.
CTD has delivered high valued outcomes for Victorian seafood industry and participants and met its objectives.

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