Project number: 1983-038
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: Sea Hatcheries Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1985 - 31 Dec 1985


1. Identify constraints to developing commercial barramundi hatchery & farm in Northern Australia
2. demonstrate hatchery rearing of native barramundi is an alternative to importing exotic species to improve fresh water. angling
3. utilise by-catch during prawn trawling

Final report

Author: M.P. Heasman J.C. Ryall I.R. Hockings
Final Report • 1985-12-31 • 5.74 MB


The central aims of this project were to identify major practical constraints to the development of a commercially viable barramundi hatchery and farming enterprise in Northern Australia and to demonstrate that hatchery rearing of barramundi constituted a feasible alternative to the importation of exotic species, especially nile perch (Lates niloticus) as a means of improving freshwater angling in Queensland.

In October 1985 'Sea Hatcheries' was incorporated as a public company in preparation for the establishment of a commercial marine hatchery and barramundi farming venture. In the same month the Queensland Government formally announced the suspension of its nile perch project.

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