Project number: 1978-049
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: Leon W Barwell
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 1979 - 29 Jun 1979


1. Fully appreciate the new purse string seining method in the mackerel and pilchard industries
2. improve and adapt the new equipment to other types of fishing activities without incurring major alternatives to the equipment or vessel

Final report

Author: L. W. Barwell
Final Report • 1979-06-30 • 718.68 KB


Following the successes achieved from the 77/78 F.I.R.T.A. project "Design and development of a new purse seining method and equipment" a further grant of $27,580 was allocated from F.I.R.T.A. to introduce the technique into the pelagic fisheries. As the Mackerel fishery is still in need of development our efforts were aimed at that fishery.

The operation areas that were chosen were Port Phillip Bay and the N.W. coast of Tasmania, the respective ports being Melbourne and Stanley. Further modifications to both the hauling gear and method were necessary in order that the technique could be applied to mackerel fishing.

This report discusses advantages and disadvantages of alternative hauling schemes as tested in the pilchard fishery and will be followed by a report on catch results and details on project expenditure.

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