Project number: 1994-091
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $62,229.71
Principal Investigator: Anthony Cheshire
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 17 Sep 1994 - 29 Nov 1996


1. Quantify the variability in terms of community composition, abundance, metabolism and nutrient exchange, of the seafloor sediment beneath and adjacent sea cages on a number of spatial and temporal scales
2. Evaluate, on a pilot scale, whether harrowing, bacterial additives and surface sediment removal reduce the rate of seafloor scouring and therefore enhance the rate of recovery of seafloor sediments
3. Develop and refine cost effective techniques to quantify the rate of souring and recovery of seafloor sediments beneath and adjacent to sea cages
4. Develop a detailed R&D proposal for cost effectively evaluating the rate of souring and in particular, the recovery of the seafloor sediments associated with sea cages in aquaculture ventures thereby leading to improved management strategies and farm practices

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