Project number: 1995-068
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $209,028.00
Principal Investigator: Robert van Barneveld
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 25 Oct 1995 - 7 Sep 1999


1. To enhance the development of artificial diets for caged SBFT by using in vitro analysis of feed ingredients to determine protein, amino acid and energy digestibility. This will allow formulation of artificial diets of maximum nutritive value using the most cost-effective ingredients. It will also allow accurate matching of the diet specifications to the nutrient requirements of the SBFT. To accomplish the development of an in vitro assay, this project has the following specific objectives.
2. To determine the ultrastructure of the SBFT small intestine to a) identify the presence of macromolecule transport apparatus and b) to establish the existence of bacteria associated with the intestinal epithelium.
3. To evaluate the enzyme profile of the small intestine and the epithelial associated bacteria and identify bacteria associated with biofilms.
4. To estimate the intestinal capacity to transport the major group of amino acids and peptides.

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