Project number: 1997-212
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $358,997.00
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Trott
Organisation: Australian Institute Of Marine Science (AIMS)
Project start/end date: 9 Aug 1997 - 26 Sep 2001


The need for the research described in this proposal was initially identified in two major reports instigated by the FRDC.
· The Macarthur Report (1995), identified that "The industry and the key researchers do not yet fully know the effect of nutrient and suspended solids on specific coastal ecosystems and hence are unable to estimate sustainable loads."
· The Queensland Fisheries Research and Development Strategy (1995-2005), recommended a strategy to "Assess the relative impacts of different Aquaculture methods on the environment." (Strategies 1.2.4, p. 5), "Provide a scientific basis for the objective evaluation of sustainable fisheries and Aquaculture management options.", and to "Develop sustainability indicators for fisheries." (Strategies 2.1 and 2.3, p. 6).

The proposed research will provide the missing information, identified in these two reports as being "….the effect of nutrient and suspended solids on specific coastal ecosystems…", and will "Assess the relative impacts of different Aquaculture methods on the environment." This proposal is a logical and necessary step forwards for the research co-ordinated through the CRC for Aquaculture which, until now, has focused on optimising farm operations and minimising effluent loads.

The urgent need for a co-ordinated research program to investigate the environmental impacts of prawn farm effluent was identified in a series of workshops held in Cairns, Townsville and Brisbane from July to September 1996 (see Discussion Paper, Appendix 1). These workshops affirmed that the current research priorities are to determine the composition of prawn farm effluent, to determine the impact of the effluent in coastal waterways and to investigate methods to minimise levels of nutrients and sediment in effluent The research outlined in this proposal will begin the work necessary to determine the impact of prawn farm effluent in coastal waterways.

This research will deliver information required to estimate sustainable loads of nutrients and suspended sediments in coastal ecosystems, provide a scientific basis for the evaluation of aquaculture management options, and assist in the development of sustainability indicators for aquaculture. It will therefore be an essential component of a recent initiative of the QDOE to prepare a Regional Plan for coastal areas between Cooktown and Cardwell. This Regional Plan will contribute to the sustainability of, not just the prawn farming industry, but also the highly valuable commercial and recreational fisheries resources within this area, currently valued at above $200 million annually.


1. 1. Quantify the assimilative capacity of the receiving environment for the major nutrients and sediments in prawn farm effluent by describing the dynamics of C,N,O,P pathways in the substrate and water column of discharge channels and creeks, and thereby determine the environmental impact of prawn farm effluent.
2. 2. Refine and extend existing hydrodynamic models of the Hinchinbrook Channel and Pt Douglas estuaries in order to predict the behaviour of prawn farm effluent entering coastal waterways, thus enabling simulation modelling of the carrying capacity of the environment for prawn farming.

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