Project number: 2000-265
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,000.00
Principal Investigator: Glen Whisson
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 12 Sep 2000 - 30 Apr 2003


Research into freshwater crayfish has resulted in steady production increases in Australia over the last two decades. In an effort to take production and profitability to the next level, scientists in Australia have taken the opportunity to host IAA 13. Furthermore, the strategy of organisers has been to couple the event with a one-day workshop/seminar focussing on Australian crayfish aquaculture. The timing of the workshop/seminar (the day before the conference begins) has been set to attract participation from international astacologists, already in Fremantle for IAA 13. This will promote technology transfer into Australia, by giving access to local industry participants at a non-scientific level.

Following on from the one day aquaculture workshop, the IAA 13 symposium will provide a mechanism for the direct transferal and dissemination of cutting-edge research within Australia, as well as providing an international platform for local crayfish scientists to present their research to world-renowned astacologists, and pursue collaborative links for future research. Fisheries WA are planning to present at least six papers at the symposium, including recent research into yabby and marron aquaculture.

The fragility of crayfish aquaculture was highlighted in the 1980s when the crayfish plague, Aphanomyces astaci, obliterated stocks throughout Europe. Research has subsequently identified Australian crayfish as being extremely vulnerable to this infection, reminding Australia of the importance of comprehensive translocation policies. This has been further highlighted by recent disease concerns within the yabby industry. A forum for discussing these issues, and hearing from scientists representing afflicted countries, will augur well for the continuation of sound policy to protect Australia's prime market niche.


1. To conduct the 13th biennial symposium of the International Association of Astacology in Fremantle, in August 2000.
2. To capitalise on the expertise gathered for IAA 13 by staging a one day workshop focussing on the aquaculture of Australian crayfish species, on the day prior to the beginning of the symposium.
3. To identify and initiate collaborative research programmes between local researchers and astacologists from interstate and overseas.
4. To gain maximum exposure for the Australian freshwater crayfish industry within the international aquaculture arena.
5. To provide a forum for an international gathering of crayfish scientists to consider environmental, technical and regulatory issues important to international communitiesat the outset of a new century.

Final report

ISBN: 0-9581-424-2-4
Author: Glen Whisson

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