Project number: 2000-308
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $149,974.07
Principal Investigator: Marc Wilson
Organisation: Australian Maritime College (AMC)
Project start/end date: 5 Sep 2000 - 1 Jun 2002


This application comes from the need to service the training requirements of those involved in fisheries management. These are

(i) MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MAC) REPRESENTATIVES – from all stakeholders groups and
(ii) GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATORS from all major fisheries agencies.

The AMC has completed 6 years of FRDC funded training 1994-2000 and wishes to resubmit this nationally oriented project for the 2000-2001 period an then articulate with Seafood Training Australia (STA).

MAC TRAINING: progress to date and developing needs.

There are approximately 900 people involved in Management Advisory Committees in fisheries management through out Australia. We have trained in excess of 240 representatives since 1994 in:

(a) an introductory level MAC course covering all technical and policy issues faced in the MAC and

(b) a MAC II course which addresses the representative skills required in making a MAC work well.

STA have identified that leadership training is required in the seafood industry. This is proposed at two levels in the scoping exercise. Industry Sector Leaders (ISL) representing local industry boards and related industry committees. Strategic Industry Leaders (SIL) "who need to position the industry to best advantage by influencing government policy, the direction of related industries and public opinion".

The MAC training project is illustrative of developing SIL, but in the context of MACs and resource management processes. The need is for the AMC program to enable attendance at the MAC program to obtain national recognition of learning undertaken in the Australian Qualification framework. AMC will interface with STA in development of the MAC training units.

We currently are developing a third level course yet to be delivered which builds on the foundation of levels I and II.

MAC III will enable representatives who wish to spend time studying externally, to have an opportunity to do so. The MAC III will also go deeper into community expectations, media skills and strategic thinking and analysis and developing management skills. All three courses are currently being accredited.

The developing need of the MAC member is in the areas of:

(1) technical knowledge of fisheries management/economics/stock assessment;
(2) representative knowledge and skills (communication, conflict resolution and management /leadership skills);
(3) integrating leadership and management skills with the MAC/department process.

The project recognises and contributes towards people with knowledge and leadership attributes at the “second level”, rather than a few “positional” leaders. The need for this training is actually increasing and it has to be more "in-depth" than previously envisaged. Current MAC trainees are in the fisheries management process and have opportunities to increase their personal skills if assisted along the way.

The intention of the MAC process is to promote more involvement in self-governance by stakeholders eventually moving to management arrangements where stakeholders have been empowered and are held more accountable. The people with such skills are not going to suddenly appear, but will come from a concerted training effort which enables representatives with the desire to progress to and be equipped for the role.

The need for MAC training has been apparent for some time, but in the recent review of South Australian fisheries management by Pivotal in 1998, the priority need to train FMC/MAC representatives is re-confirmed. This is representative of the national scene. There is still a significant need in the people development side of industry and stakeholder groups in the MAC process.


Under the revised FRDC submission undertaken in July 2000 the MAC training continues for one year until June 2001. The training of those in the fisheries administration has been a key part of the fisheries management training strategy and the project has enabled the gulf to be bridged between both sides of the project in the last three years. We have had 5-10 fishers who have attended the FRDC A (10 days) fisheries management course and the FRDC B fisheries management workshop. To cease this opportunity will impact industry in reducing the training available to fisheries management agency staff and fishers who want to progress past MAC I and II.

One of the major needs identified by industry is the need to have well trained and industry aware staff in fisheries management agencies. We intent to resubmit the fisheries management needs for submission in the 2000-2001 FRDC round.

The need for administrator training is as important as MAC member training as quality staff with vision are needed in fisheries administration, if the empowerment of stakeholders is to continue. We note, with some concern, the rapid turnover of staff in fisheries administration and the need to make young administrators aware of the requirements of industry. We also receive feedback from industry and stakeholder groups on the need to keep training administrators on "the way it really is" and the "need to listen to stakeholders views".

After university training and time in administration, they need to develop people and policy skills with the industry /stakeholder considerations in mind. We intend to fully integrate the training of stakeholders and administrators in “integrated fisheries management workshops” in place of the FRDC B course previously provided.

In summary the need for fisheries management training are distinct and diverse. Many changes taking place in fisheries have to be addressed by well trained personnel at all levels. This proposal is to continue the production of knowledgable people with leadership skills.


1. To provide fisheries management training to industry and non-government representatives on MACs.(i) To train 15 representatives in MAC I courses in 1 year(ii) To train 15 representatives in MAC II courses in 1 year
(iii) To train 10 representatives to MAC III level in 1 year
(iv) To develop a whole MAC course, (15 people in 1 year) to enable MACs to operate with a new dynamic.
2. To improve the quality of fisheries management in Australia by enabling fisheries administrators and industry/MAC members to gain specialist training in fisheries management through attendance at residential schools at AMC.(v) To train 15 administrators/ MAC reps in FRDCA level fisheries management in 1 year (2000-2001)
(vi) To train 12 administrators and industry/MAC members in Integrated Fisheries Management Workshops in 1 year (2000-2001)

Final report

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