Project number: 2002-005
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $205,327.00
Principal Investigator: Charles A. Gray
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2002 - 15 Mar 2006


There is a need to synthesize all existing information and to obtain new basic biological and fisheries-related information on mulloway to be able to make informed management decisions concerning the continued sustainable harvesting of the species in NSW waters and elsewhere and to arrest the apparent decline in populations. Most importantly, the growth and age and reproductive biology of mulloway needs to be accurately described and data on the length, sex and age compositions of catches and how these vary between different fishing sectors and gear types needs to be collected and analyzed to provide us with even the most basic understanding of the potential effects of fishing on this very important species. Yield-per-recruit analyses need to be done to aid discussions on appropriate legal lengths.


1. Synthesize, write and publish a review of the biology and fisheries of mulloway (and other relevant sciaenid species) in an international scientific journal and provide a layman’s summary that can be given to stakeholders.
2. Reanalyze all existing tagging information on mulloway.
3. Describe the growth and age and reproductive biology of mulloway in NSW and do yield-per-recruit analyses.
4. Determine the length, sex and age compositions of commercial catches of mulloway and assess how these vary between different gear types, industry sectors (e.g. estuary v ocean) and regionally.
5. Advise the commercial and recreational fishing communities and other interest groups on the biology of mulloway and provide recommendations on ways to stop the apparent decline in populations and future management and assessment strategies for the species.

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