Project number: 2002-096
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $23,950.00
Principal Investigator: Timothy M. Ward
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 25 May 2002 - 30 Sep 2003


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1. Document past (at least 10 years) and current research projects funded by all agencies and identify the outcomes and consequent uptake of results by stakeholders (impacts).
2. Provide comment on the degree to which the R&D has met management needs and has been used to improve the management arrangements.
3. Undertake a benefit cost analysis of the previous R&D.
4. Evaluate fishery(s) strategic research plans with respect to whether domestic management needs, industry development, environmental assessment
and domestic fishery assessment requirements are adequately addressed.
5. Identify significant gaps in current and proposed future research plans and projects, including reference to needs arising from strategic assessment of the fishery under the EPBC Act and demands arising from increased recreational catch.
6. The species to be included are: Spanish mackerel, small mackerel
grey mackerel and spotted mackerel.

Final report

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