Project number: 2004-257
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $29,500.00
Principal Investigator: Robert de Castella
Organisation: SmartStart (Australia) Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2004 - 30 Jul 2005


The attempts by SmartStart (Australia) to introduce the SmartStart Health Intervention Program to various States has been limited by a lack of resources. There has been extensive consultation with Australian Government agencies, most of whom have agreed with the concept and stressed the importance of promoting the need for a commitment to a national benchmarking program through the State Governments and their Education and Health Departments. The Australian Government Ministers and Departments of Education and Health have been very supportive of the concept and have given positive indications of support. Due to the fact that both education and health are predominately State responsibilities, it is essential that SmartStart has an opportunity to present its program and the findings and issues identified from the last five years of its operation to all the major States and other significant State based stakeholders.


1. To develop appropriate communication kits.
2. To identify and inform relevant government agencies of the potential national benefits of their investing in the SmartStart Health Intervention Program.
3. To obtain support from the relevant government agencies.

Final report

ISBN: 0-9757618-0-3
Author: Robert de Castella

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