Project number: 2007-017
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $258,009.00
Principal Investigator: Campbell Davies
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Mar 2007 - 30 Jun 2009


The Ministerial Direction to AFMA requires the implementation of Harvest Strategies for all Commonwealth Fisheries by January 2007. For the ETBF and WTBF, AFMA's response is being progressed through a Harvest Strategy Working Group (Chaired by the PI of this project), which is charged with development of individual harvest strategies for the five target species and will report to the respective RAGs, MACs and AFMA by December 2006.

This schedule does not allow for the harvest strategies for individual species to be formally evaluated prior to the January deadline. It also does not provide for the necessary development or evaluation of approaches for integrating across the individual harvest strategies to provide a “whole of fishery” harvest strategy”. The nature of the ETBF and WTBF also means there is a clear need to consider the interaction between domestic management measures for the Australian fisheries and those for the regional fisheries of which they are part.

It is a requirement of the Ministerial Direction that the HS be evaluated using the Management Strategy Evaluation approach. This project is designed to meet this need by providing simulation evaluations of the harvest strategies developed by the HSWG, with a particular focus on the multi-species, international nature of the fisheries and the stated need to consider the costs and benefits of a move to outputs controls.


1. Evaluate the performance of the individual target species Harvest Strategies developed by the ETBF-WTBF Harvest Strategy Working Group.
2. Develop and evaluate approaches to integrating individual target species harvest strategies into a single multi-species harvest strategy.
3. Evaluate the likely relative performance of input (TAE, ITE) and output (TAC, ITQ) controls in meeting the sustainability objectives of the Commonwealth Harvest Strategy Policy.
4. In consultation with DAFF, AFMA and DEH and relevant regional bodies, develop and provide initial evaluations of alternative approaches for incorporating linkages with regional stocks and/or management organisations in the formal harvest strategies for highly migratory, shared stocks.

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