Project number: 2007-227
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $286,263.00
Principal Investigator: Bill Sawynok
Organisation: Recfish Australia
Project start/end date: 30 Oct 2007 - 1 Jul 2010


The need for a more cohesive national approach to recreational fisheries RDE has been recognised by Recfish Australia and FRDC for some years. The first move towards a more cohesive approach occurred in 2001/02 with the establishment of the National Strategy for the Survival of Released Line Caught Fish. For the first time a national approach was developed to a priority issue for the recreational fishing industry and over the following years a new very inclusive approach was taken. Key priorities have been addressed through the strategy, leading to a significant improvement in our knowledge on the survival of released fish and an improvement in the best practices for releasing fish.

In 2005 the FRDC Board recognised the need for a new approach to the broader range of recreational fishing RDE priorities and identified the need for the recreational sector to form a body to take these issues forward. The recreational fishing industry needs information on the social and economic benefits provided by recreational fishing to inform resource sharing and access, counter falling participation rates and facilitate growth of the sector in line with changing community values. Research and promotion of best fishing practices is needed to meet community concerns regarding sustainability and ethical conduct of recreational fishing. Extension of new knowledge needs to be improved as past R&D projects have not adequately used recreational fishers communications networks to transfer new knowledge. This proposal seeks to provide for the formation of that body, to provide for the ongoing planning and coordination needed at a national level in a way that adds value to work undertaken by the States. It will also address FRDC’s requirements for effective extension and adoption of R&D results which is reflected in the adding of E to the traditional R&D.


1. Through extensive and ongoing consultation with the recreational sector, develop and maintain a list of current national-level recreational fishing RDE priorities.
2. Work with recreational fishing stakeholders and researchers at all levels to facilitate the development of RDE projects to meet identified priorities.
3. Develop an extension network that will promote the adoption of new knowledge generated by recreational fishing related R&D by decision makers, recreational fishers, and the wider community.
4. Assess the adoption of new knowledge by decision makers, recreational fishers, and the wider community, and identify constraints and barriers to the adoption of new knowledge by these groups.

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