Project number: 2007-235
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $264,741.19
Principal Investigator: Bob Cox
Organisation: Seafood Experience Australia Ltd (SEA)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2007 - 29 Sep 2009


There is currently a real shortage in cost effective opportunities for the fishing industry, particularly the smaller fisheries, to visit markets around australia in a coordinated and professional manner. Let alone start the process to gain access to potential new markets and build upon existing ones.

The key elelments missing to do this is knowledge and opportunity. To enter a market, or improve upon an existing one, industry must have a good understanding of the key drivers in each market. It is no longer acceptable for a business to just package a product and not care where it ends up or how it is used. It is vital seafood companies take the next step and start to see the whole chain, and understand how it impacts upon their bottom line and profit. To gain this knowledge they need a vehicle that will provide them access to a broad range of consumers (an in particular key stakeholders - buyers and users) in a cost effective manner.

There is a strong need for both industry (and opportunity for FRDC) to develop mechanisms through which to disseminate information to directly to key stakeholders - in particular opinion leaders and the broader community to understand that the Australian seafood industry is backed by rigorous science. In particular, this project would provide a mechanism to present information on:

- ESD, explain why our fisheries are sustainable.
- Biosecurity, explain why our fisheries are pristine, and the safety precautions undertaken by
industry to ensure the safety of products.
- Quality, explain where our seafood comes from and the best way to get it in a premium form.
- Value adding, explain where industry can add value to the consumer.
- Supply chain management, explain how to get our seafood.


1. Develop a vehicle/platform for industry to attend post harvest (market and consumer) events that builds capacity and assess the value of research that supports seafood supply chain development
2. Assist industry to gain knowledge of the supply chain for their product.
3. Assist industry to gain knowledge of the key drivers for the key stakeholders (buyers and consumers) in each market.
4. Showcase the Australian seafood indsutry as a professionally run industry backed by science.

Final report

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